Serena Cecilia

How To Show Up Fashionably Late To Uni

How To Show Up Fashionably Late To Uni

You're running late to your lecture, you've spent your morning getting ready and preparing yourself for the day because you…

2 years ago

The Most Popular Eyeshadow Palettes To Try Right Now

Eyeshadow is an important part to any look, it is the eyes which set off a look. Some people go…

2 years ago

10 Things You Find While Cleaning Your Boyfriend’s Apartment

Like most boyfriends, he's a mess and whenever you go over you end up helping him clean and getting his…

2 years ago

5 Different Types Of Skills For Students Heading To University

You're heading off to university and you've obviously applied because you are keen to further enhance and develop your studies.…

2 years ago

Here’s The Best Charcoal Face Mask Products To Try Out

Face masks are an important part of any beauty regime, they should be used anywhere as little as once to…

2 years ago

10 Bright Throw Pillows To Take Your Flat From Drag To Fab

Bright throw pillows can be cute and decorative pieces, which add the finishing touches to your flat or apartment. A…

7 years ago

These Vintage Movie Posters Make Great Bedroom Decor

Are you a big movie watcher? If so, you've come to the right place! Vintage movie posters are great not…

7 years ago

7 Places To Buy Cute Inexpensive Curtains Online

Curtain shopping isn't easy at all, they tend to be fairly expensive wherever you go. However if you shop in…

7 years ago

10 Tips On How To Host A Party After University

University is finished and you want to get everyone together to have a good time as a group once again.…

7 years ago

The 5 Annoying Drivers You’ll See Driving To Uni

You'd think making your way to university would be an easy task. Getting from A to B how hard can…

7 years ago