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The Top 3 Astrology Apps You Need To Download

The Top 3 Astrology Apps You Need To Download

Do you love astrology? These apps are a quick-fix for your cosmic therapy! Download these astrology apps today and start exploring your zodiac sign.

Anyone who claims they’ve never been slightly curious about astrology is lying. Astrology is exciting to read and it offers numerous cosmic insights that you can explore in the palm of your hands. Start simply by reading your daily horoscope. Or dive right in and analyse the astrology influences in your life and calculate your entire birth chart. Whether you’re obsessed with celestial beings or are looking for daily words of encouragement, here are 3 of the best astrology apps you must download today!

1. The Daily Horoscope

This app provides insightful readings for every horoscope enthusiast. It’s perfect for the astrology beginner since it’s concise and straightforward. Examine your daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes based on your sun signs. You can explore zodiac compatibility that covers love, friends, business and family aspects of two different zodiac signs. The Daily Horoscope also has yearly Chinese horoscopes based on the Chinese calendar and Druid horoscopes based on Celtic culture. This is one of the most popular horoscope apps and covers all the astrology basics. It’s simple to use and provides daily reminders so you won’t miss anything!

2. Co-Star

This app is perfect if you’re looking for a more detailed and informative astrology reading. It has enticing insights from professional astrologers and NASA data. Never miss an important transit or retrograde again! This app provides information on the planets’ movements and their meaning for your personality and future. It generates real-time insights, so you can analyse your birth chart information and see how the context of the astrology universe reflects your current lifestyle.


Discover the meaning behind your sun, moon and rising signs through astrology charts. Or get quick insights into your future career and love life with daily horoscope reminders. Not only is Co-Star aesthetically pleasing but it’s also customisable with it’s sleek and modern appearance. Co-Star also lets you share your astrological information with your friends. The app generates your compatibility with other signs in terms of intellect, communication, love, pleasure, emotions, and moods. So if you’re curious about your friends’ astrology, you can keep track of their horoscopes too!

3. Astrology Zone

For the astrology enthusiast seeking more than just daily horoscopes, this app is for you. The renowned astrologer Susan Miller provides in-depth information on the planets’ activities and a comprehensive and personalised approach toward horoscopes. If you’re looking for an immersive read, definitely check out this app. It features essays on a wide variety of topics exploring eclipses, mercury retrogrades, compatibility reports, in-depth horoscopes and more. You can also check out Miller’s informative videos and Twitter feed to stay up to date. They are easy to understand and insightful. For anyone looking to explore the approach of a professional astrologer, Miller is inspiring and motivating. She describes herself as a “philosopher who uses astrology to get at life’s mysteries”.

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You don’t have to be a professional astrologer to know your horoscope. These apps give you the power of the universe in your hands. They are are a great way to explore every possibility of your personality and life from an astrology perspective.


Do you feel spiritually enlightened by these astrology apps as much as we do? Let us know your favourite below!

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