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5 Asian Beauty Secrets That Will Make You Look Forever Young

5 Asian Beauty Secrets That Will Make You Look Forever Young

Have you ever wondered how Asian women look so young in general? Not just because of their genes, it's Asian beauty secrets.

We all know that one Asian friend who looks 18 even when she is 25. Have you ever wondered what is her secret? Here are the top 5 Asian beauty tips that you might want to keep in your mind:

Number 1 Is To Wash Your Face With Rice Water

This is one of the ancient Asian beauty tips that our grandparents use to keep our skin fresh and young. Despite the fact that there are so many cleansing products out there nowadays that you can use to clean your skin, natural resources for beauty tips are always the best.

The rice water is super easy to make: you just need to clean your rice with water, don’t pour the water directly to the sink but keep it in a small bowl, and let the water sit in 15 minutes. You can now see the surface is a little bit clearer than the bottom, you don’t need to use the clear water. Pouring the clear water out for a little bit and use the rest to wash your face.


Let it naturally dry on your face for 10 minutes then wash your face. The rice water will help reducing clog pores. After using it for about 2 weeks you will notice the reduction of blackheads on your skin.

Remember To Massage Your Face

Everybody knows the benefits of massage, so why not prevent aging by a simple facial massage every day? Asian women love massaging their face, they believe that it will keep their skin younger and stronger. You can either use oil, essence or moisturizer to massage or just basic washcloth soaked in warm water. Remember to massage in a circular motion and always in the upward direction. This will help your face muscles to relax. Facial massage not only helps with preventing wrinkles but also with stress relief.


Asian Women Love Sunscreen

Asian women use sunscreen whenever they go outside, not only at the beach. As we all know the damage that sunlight cause to our skin if we’re under the sun for too long. Asian women always make sure to cover themselves carefully with a thin layer of sunscreen when going outside.

Japanese Women And The Hot Spring

If you have ever traveled to Japan, you are probably amazed by the Japanese women beauty. From fit body figure to the forever youth. Besides their healthy diet, Japanese people in general and women, in particular, enjoys going to the hot spring. This is another Asian beauty tips that Japanese women carry in their life.

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Soaking in the hot spring provides the body essential mineral, moreover, it also stimulates the blood circulation. Going to the hot spring at least once per month will actually help you to sleep better, release stress.

Face Mask

Asian women love using face masks to provide nutrition to the skin to help them to look younger. They use different types of face masks for different purposes such as hydrating, detoxing, cleansing, whitening, etc. Their favorite face mask is either an aloe vera mask or clay mask. Asian women believe that aloe vera help to hydrate their skin and reduce the acne while clay mask helps them to cleanse, detox and shrink the pore.


Asian women highly value the appearance of the skin because they believe, if your body is not in healthy conditions, it will show on the skin. Therefore, they put a lot of effort into taking care of the skin which leads them to look younger due to the skin condition.

So, do you want to apply all of these Asian beauty tips now? Are there other tips that you Asian friend might share to you? Tell us in the comment below!

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