10 Apps To Jumpstart Your College Social Life

Starting college can be a daunting thing and especially if you are moving away from home and having to make new friends and build your college social life from scratch. Making new friends, finding new places to go and knowing what is going on in your new town can be difficult to figure out. Luckily, there are many phone apps designed to help with your social life.
To avoid you having to make even more hard decisions while beginning your college journey, we have made a list of the 10 best apps to jump start your college social life.
1. Specific School Apps
The first app to help get your college social life under way is specific apps for your school. Most colleges will have apps with information such as maps, your classes, timetables, results and most importantly a social calendar.
These calendars will have all of the college’s social events that are upcoming throughout the academic year. It is important to keep track of these events so you don’t miss any important social events that will help your social life at college.
2. MeetUp
The next app to get your college social life started is MeetUp. MeetUp was founded in 2002 and is an app that allows people to host and self-organise groups and events. It links people with local groups based on their personal interests. You can find social groups, career groups and creativity groups – anything social based on what you are most interested in!
3. Swarm
Another app that is helpful for college social life is Swarm. Swarm allows you to check in to your location, share your location with your friends and create a record of all your experiences. The apps features includes:
– Check Ins: share your location with a photo for all your friends to see
– Messaging: send groups messages to help plan events
– Stickers: attach stickers to check-ins to let people know what you’re doing and how you’re feeling
– Challenges: challenges include checking in to specific venues in a specific time range to go in a draw to win prizes – encouraging users to be social
– History Search: see your past check-ins and reflect on where you’ve been
4. Eventbrite
Eventbrite is an app that allows users to browse and see what events are on in their area. This app helps you to keep track of events that are going on, helping you to find interesting and fun things to attend to keep your college social life exciting.
5. Snapchat
Snapchat is a photo messaging app that allows you to send photos to your friends that disappear once they have been viewed. While probably not the first app you think of to help your college social life, Snapchat has an awesome feature: Snapmaps. Snapmaps not only allow to see the location of your friends but also see local stories that could be posted from events, venues or other interesting places.
6. Yelp
The next college social life app is Yelp a search engine that helps you find local, nearby restaurants, shopping, nightlife, food, entertainment and things to do. This helps your social life as you can find places to go, things to do, landmarks and museums, as well as places that you can go to hang out with friends such as bars and cafes.
7. Venmo
One difficult aspect of your college social life is there are often many places that will not split bills. This app will help you jump start your college social life without the awkwardness of owing your new friends’ money. Venmo is owned by PayPal and is a mobile payment service that allows users to send and receive money instantly.
8. Bump
Bump is another app to help you get your college social life underway. This app is a quick and easy way for you to share your contact information, photos and apps with anyone else with an iPhone or Android. All you have to do is gently bump your phones together and you will both have the other’s contact details.
9. Design My Night
Tailor your social events to your every need with this next app to kick start your college social life. Design My Night allows you to select your budget, where you want to go, what you want to do, and what type of night you are after and it will give you options that are in your area.
10. Social Radar
The final of our list of apps to jump-start your college social life is Social Radar. On Social Radar you can view photos, messages and activities in the nearby area and is super helpful to discover new places and locations when you are new to an area.