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10 Amazing Food Places In Ho Chi Minh City

10 Amazing Food Places In Ho Chi Minh City

If you're planning to travel to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. These are 10 deliciously food places with the most affordable price that cannot be missed out!

31Traveling to Ho Chi Minh City, you’ll probably don’t want to miss out on the food there. From the North to the South, you’ll probably find so many dishes that you’re craving for. Here are 10 amazing food places in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

1. Pho Hien:

Yes, it’s Pho. Traveling a hundred kilometers to Ho Chi Minh City, no matter in the North or the South, everybody probably wants to try the real bowl of the most famous Vietnamese soup, Pho. Pho Hien is one of the food places in Ho Chi Minh City you must try, located just beneath Hoang Hoa Tham bridge with the normal Viet decoration inside won’t be able to appeal the picky food lovers; however, the soup itself will surely do the job.

2. Mon Hue Restaurant:

Most people just know about Pho, but they don’t really know the true party flavor is located in central Vietnam. The food from this small and traditional area of Vietnam really ‘sparks joy’. Luckily, all of those dishes converge in Ho Chi Minh City. At this restaurant, you will find out about 10 more different and rich in flavor soup and varying vegetarian options.


3. Pha Lau Ly:

Pha Lau, which is the pork meat and offal braises in the spiced stock is a cannot-skip-dish in Ho Chi Minh City. At Pha Lau Ly, you can choose how your dish to be served: with Vietnamese baguette, noodles, or grilled. Going along with it will be a sweet, sour and spicy dipping sauce. The restaurant is quite small but always full of food lovers. This is also a top choice of food places in Ho Chi Minh City when it comes to Pha Lau. You will probably want to go there soon to save yourself a seat and enjoy this mouthwatering dish.

4. Ngan Dinh Restaurant

In Ho Chi Minh City, there is a strong Vietnamese-Chinese community growing for a long time ago. They brought all of the quintessence of Chinese food to Vietnam along with them and developed their own Chinese community in district 5. Ngan Dinh restaurant makes itself an excellent Chinese restaurant as it provides the most authentic Cantonese cuisine to the visitor.

5. Wrap and Roll Restaurant Chain

Wrapping all of the Vietnamese cuisine essences inside every dish. Wrap and Roll Restaurant chain has more than 40 different dishes from the North to the South in the buffet form. The specialty of the restaurant is not the dish itself but the dipping sauce. Wrap and Roll Restaurant creates the new dipping sauce based on the traditional one that will surely surprise you!


6. Ba Ut Offal Porridge

One of the earliest food places in Ho Chi Minh City is Ba Ut Offal Porridge. This place has been serving the customers for over 80 years. The flavors are irresistible and the restaurant’s location is right in the middle of Ho Chi Minh City.

7. Banh Xeo Dinh Cong Trang

When traveling to Ho Chi Minh City, you’ll probably want to try Banh Xeo, also known as Vietnamese pancake, one of the traditional dishes of Vietnam. This small restaurant attracts a very big amount of visitors as it is famous for its Vietnamese egg pancake. With only 2 – 3 USD, you will surely feel satisfied with the food’s quality as well as the price.

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8. Dan Ich Fish Hotpot

One of the famous places to visit if you travel to China Town in HCMC. The specialty of the place is the flavor of the dish. You will feel that you’re time traveling back to the old ancient Vietnam with the rustic feeling the dish and the place itself bring to you.

9. Bubble Tea In Front Of The City Opera House

With only $1, you can get yourself a cup of bubble tea from the street vendor. Famous for its taste, price, and the friendliness of the seller.

10. Banh Duc Phan Dang Luu

Last but not least, the food place you must visit in Ho Chi Minh City is Banh Duc Phan Dang Luu. ‘Banh Duc’ is the traditional Vietnamese steam rice cake, topping up with ground meat, mushroom and a bit of fish sauce promise to change your whole perspective about Vietnamese food.


Are you planning to go to Ho Chi Minh City now to try these food places? Tell us what you think below!

Feature image source:,_Ho_Chi_Minh_City.jpg