A strong core isn’t only aesthetically pleasing, it also leads to better balance and stability, which can aid you in later life when back pain and arthritis is more likely to occur. Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen to work in harmony. Most physical activities depend on a strong core. Here are 20 amazing core exercises to get fit fast!
Take your normal sit up to the next level with this easy ab workout. Try doing 4 sets of 12-15 reps.
Bird dogs are the perfect workout to add into your normal ab routine or if you’re a beginner, this is a great place to start. Try doing 3 sets of 10-12 reps!
When doing this exercise, make sure that you don’t go too heavy on the weight you use. It is more about quality of quantity and you don’t want to lose your form. Keep all the tension right at your core!
Leg lifts are another alternative to the normal sit up. Try doing 4 sets of 10-12 reps or if you can push more, go for it! Make sure that you keep the core engaged.
When doing the plank move, the goal is to hold it for as long as possible without breaking your form. Try holding your plank for a minute and see how you do! Every time you reach your time, make it longer!
Bridges are an awesome workout that not only helps strengthen your core, but helps give you a bigger booty. Make sure that you keep your core engaged while squeezing those glutes!
Windshield wipers are a lot tougher than they appear. For your first time, try doing 4 sets of 10. If you work out a lot, try doing 4 sets of 20. Don’t lose your form!
Mountain climbers are a great way to workout your legs, butt, and core! For this workout, try 4 sets of 20 reps on each side.
Many people try to avoid crunches when it comes to core workouts, but the bicycle is an easy way to upgrade the workout. You are engaging your entire core which makes this workout a must!
High knees is a great work out to really get the heart rate going. Try doing this exercise for :30 second intervals.
This workout looks A LOT easier than it is.
Another alternative to the normal crunch!
Your back is so important to workout and usually gets left behind. A stronger back will help with a stronger core all around!
All of these workouts are honestly so good for your core!
When doing the flutter kicks, focus more on your core rather than how high you can get your legs. If you have to keep them lower, that’s fine!
If you’re looking for a workout with some serious burn, this is the one. It’s all about quality with this workout, so go at your own pace and don’t try to rush. The slower you go, the more intense the workout.
Make sure you are using the weight that works best for you so you don’t pull anything!
Try holding this pose for 1 solid minute. If you can, increase your time.
People underestimate the power of the elliptical. It really helps to workout all your muscles and will help to strengthen your core!
Next time you’re in the gym try adding a few of these exercises into your workout. You’ll have a strong core and washboard abs in no time!
Featured Image: weheartit
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