Life in the Real World

Growing up with divorced parents can be hard but it can also shape you into the person you are today. Check out our top ten things only those with divorced parents will understand here!
13 Things Only Those With Divorced Parents Will Understand

Growing up with divorced parents may not necessarily be the best thing in the world…

Is the current awful job you're in getting you down but you keep making excuses on why not to quit? Well here are a few signs that you need to know!
10 Signs You Need To Quit That Awful Job

There’s nothing worse than being stuck in an awful job that brings you no joy;…

10 Signs You're Socially Awkward
10 Signs You’re Socially Awkward

People are… tiring. Trying to make small-talk takes far too much effort, especially when you’re…

What Living Out Of A Suitcase Does To Your Perspective
What Living Out Of A Suitcase Does To Your Perspective

Living out of a suitcase can either be one the most difficult or one of…

Here are a few things only dog owners know about the trials and joys of dogs. Some of the unique experiences of owning a dog, and the many things that make us love them.
Things Only Dog Owners Know

Dogs are an absolute life-changer, and they really complete a family and home. From unending…

Knowing what it's like to work for Primark can really give you a good look into what the employees at your favorite clothing store deal with!
10 Things You Only Know If You Work For Primark

We all know Primark on the British high street. It’s where we go when we…

Do you want to boost your self-esteem? Well then, here are some tips and tricks to help you improve the way you see yourself.
20 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem

We all get days where we feel low and struggle to feel confident in ourselves.…

Here is why a detox from social networks is a good idea for your mind and own health. Check out these tips of why you might want to take a break!
Important Tools To Help You Detox From Social Networks

In the society we live nowadays, we are constantly plugged in. Our phones have become…

When you don't get the A-level grades you were expecting, it can be w wirlwind of emotions. Here are all the emotions you go through in this situation!
8 Emotions When You Don’t Get The A-Level Grades You Hoped For

If you’re a college student (or I should say were) you’ve just got back your…

Growing up in a small town is filled with a lot of realities that only people who gew up in a small town can relate to! These are some!
The Realities Of Growing Up In A Small Town

When I first moved away to Uni, I quickly realised that not everyone understood what…