Life in the Real World

Living a waste free, sustainable life are important to all eco-conscious people. Here are our 8 easiest changes you can make to reduce waste!
8 Ways You Can Reduce Waste To Live A More Sustainable Life

There is so much discussion about climate change and global warming right now, but not…

Signs You Are The Queen Of Pettiness
Signs You Are The Queen Of Pettiness

So we can all be a little on the petty side sometimes, but how do…

I Got Burglarized And Managed To Have The Burglar Arrested
I Got Burglarized And Managed To Have The Burglar Arrested

On a day to day basis, you would never expect to fall victim to burglary…

A quick guide on how to cut down on costs whilst you are at university, these tips will help you save some money to fund your university lifestyle!
Ways To Cut Down On Costs At University

University can be expensive especially for those of you that are on a budget, here…

Do you have amazing dreams you want to realize? Here's our guide to get out and get exactly what you want in life! Keep dreaming big!
8 Easy Steps To Get Exactly What You Want In Life

We all aspire to live our best lives, yet the majority of us struggle to…

Catcalling is still common on our streets but it shouldn't be. Here are 10 reasons why catcalling is definitely not complimentary!
10 Reasons Why Catcalling Is No Longer Complimentary

Catcalling has long been considered a compliment. As society has progressed and as a collective…

Considering moving into a share house but not sure what to expect? Living in a share house isn't like it is in the movies!
The Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving Into A Share House

Living in a share house isn’t like it looks in the movies or on TV…

Post grad depression is more common that we think. But what is it exactly? It is important to understand post grad depression is and how to handle it.
What Is Post Grad Depression And How To Get Through It

Post grad depression is more common that we think. But what is it, exactly? It…

Protest signs not only spread a powerful message, but are also great to make people laugh. Here are 20 Best Protest Signs From Marches That You Have To See.
20 Best Protest Signs From Marches That You Have To See

Marches are a great way for people to raise awareness of things happening in the…

Want to know how to make a name for yourself in the creative world? Read this guide on how to make it easy following some simple advice!
How To Make Name For Yourself In The Creative World

The Arts World is one surrounded by an idea of exclusivity and saturated in mythical…