Being a diva is no easy feat; it requires time, energy and a lot of confidence. In the age of…
It's exciting to decorate or re-decorate your room every once in a while. Or maybe it's just that time of…
Graduation is something every student can’t help but wait to do. It’s the end of education and all the hard…
Adulthood and maintaining a healthy habit don't always go hand in hand. Adulthood may seem scary and difficult but it…
Summer is a time for holidays, trips and big events. It's crucial to prepare well so that you don't find…
Job interviews are tough. It can be so hard to know exactly how to behave and what an employer does…
Keeping up productivity is hard to do and even harder to manage! There are a lot of distractions now a…
A quarter life crisis occurs around the time a person hits their 25th birthday; a time when they are transitioning…
With the colder months soon coming to an end, warmer months begin and that means we should start thinking about…
Did you know that we judge someone within seven seconds of meeting them. You could simply say hello to a…