Adult Colouring Books You Can Melt Your Mind With

One of the easiest ways to de-stress is through the adult colouring book. Who ever said colouring in was just for kids? As mindfulness techniques began to grow in popularity, colouring-in for grown-ups exploded onto the market place. From the weird to the wonderful, there are many different varieties of the adult colouring book. Bring your favourite crayons, texters, zooms, or pencils, as here are some of the best to relax with.
Colour-your-favourite celebrity are a sometimes funny, sometimes odd, variant of the adult colouring book. Whether official or fan-made, sometimes these colouring pages are a little plain or boring. But, check reviews and illustrations online to find the best ones. There are hip-hop artists, movie actors, and Disney stars to choose from, and are great for gifts.
These are one of the most classic types of adult colouring books. From cute little insects, to intricate floral arrangements, or tiny fern leaves. These books are more detailed than their celebrity-siblings. If you’re an “intermediate” colourer, these are great for swallowing up whole hours of your time; even then you may only complete half a page. These books are great for nature lovers.
An adult colouring book for doctors and psychopaths alike. These focus on re-purposing anatomical drawings from science and medicine into therapeutic, de-stressing pages. While colouring, you can learn more about organs like the brain and heart, or the bones and muscles in your arms. Get creative- just don’t get too creative or others may become concerned.
Cityscapes are just waiting for you to paint the skyline in pinks and purple rather than boring concrete-greys and brownstone browns. Unleash your inner architect and re-create your city in whatever colour scheme you want. These drawings may range from blueprint like designs of real cities, to the purely fantastical palaces of Mt Olympus or Narnia.
From themed safaris, to the mythical, there is an adult colouring book for every animal-lover. Colour sweet little guinea pigs and rabbits in a woodland background, or flip forward a few pages for an artic tundra with reindeer and sleds.
If you don’t mind feeling hungry afterwards, there’s a lot of great things to colour in a food-themed book. De-stressing has never looked so good. Put on some lo-fi music, and light some pumpkin-spice scented candles to really bask in the yummy-creations you are colouring. There are cute, sushi adult colouring goods, or opt for purely decorating cakes in crayon.
Galaxies, stars, and planets all align in adult colouring books devoted to the lushly colouring the universe. A favourite is colouring books that focus on the stories told by the stars, like Orion’s belt and the little dipper. Colouring the heroes and villains of star-strung stories is always a great way to while away a spare hour here and there.
From Game Of Thrones, to The Throne Of Glass, it’s becoming increasingly popular for your favourite fantasy series to get their own spin-off colouring book. You can re-create lifelike scenes from the television adaptions, or bring your headcanon to life for how the characters should really look.
The big, deep blue has so many strange and wonderful creatures living inside it. It makes for the ultimate dreamy adult colouring book to melt your mind with, and completely engross yourself in the picture you colour. Schools of orange octopi and rock pools of creepy crustaceans should give your brain a sea change.
A cosy colouring book is slightly harder to define. It may have pumpkins, pies and melted wax candles, or fuzzy black cats and warm cabin interiors. Any adult colouring book that warms the cockles of your heart and makes you feel safe, warm and melty on the inside, it’s a cosy colouring book.
Are these the best adult colouring book varieties? Do you like to colour? Comment below.
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Hi, I'm Kelsey! I'm studying a Bachelor of Arts at The University of Melbourne. In my spare time, I like to read, get distracted by YouTube videos, and browse Instagram all day long.