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A List Of Things To Do Before You Settle Down

A List Of Things To Do Before You Settle Down

Settling down is pretty much everyone's end goal - waking up next to someone in the morning, romantic dinners, Netflix nights and spontaneous trips are lovely. But why can't party nights, girls trips and nights alone watching the Notebook be lovely too? Here is a bucket list of things to do before you settle down.

Everyone dreams of finding ‘the one’, but why does no-one dream of those single days before you settle down? Settling down is pretty much everyone’s end goal – waking up next to someone in the morning, romantic dinners, Netflix nights and spontaneous trips are lovely. But why can’t party nights, girls trips and nights alone watching the Notebook be lovely too? Here is a bucket list of things to do before you settle down.

Pack your bags we’re going on a girls trip!!

There is nothing better than letting your hair down in a hot country with your best girlfriends! Enjoy being single, meet new people and have fun. After all, when you settle down a girls holidays will not be the same, trust me. 

Get downloading those datidng apps…

Although dating apps are designed for people to find their match and ‘the one’, it is a great way for people to date, date and, well… date. Dating before settling down means you can play the field, know what you want from someone and realise what will work best for you. You’ll get to meet new people with totally different walks of life than yours. And who knows, you may even end up finding ‘the one’ at the end of it.


A summer romance

We all dream of being Lizzie when she falls in love with Paolo in our favourite film the Lizzie Maguire Movie right? It is a sort of right of passage for every girl to once in their life have a summer fling. Hot days, cool nights, sea walks and beach dinners. Going on holiday is amazing, yes, but meeting a hot guy from that destination makes your trip that whole lot more fun. After all, who wouldn’t want their own sexy Italian personal tour guide? Exactly…

Experimenting… sexually…

There are many people who never get the change or courage to try being with the same sex, and will forever have that doubt and wonder of ‘what if’. This one may not be for everyone, but if you have always had a curiosity about being with the same sex, give it a go!

Live with friends

Yes, this may seem like the last thing you would ever want to… being with your best friend 24/7 could seem like a nightmare, but you will get the chance to have those girly sleepovers every night, yippee. Grab the ice-cream and board games!

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University is choas, so adding sex into the mix only makes the experience more complicated.Here are some tips and important points about sex in university.

Travel, travel, travel

Travelling with your soulmate is a beautiful thing, but getting to travel alone brings you so much knowledge, experience and you’ll get to learn so much about yourself. You’ll get to meet new people, go and do things you’ve always wanted to do and have the absolute freedom to let your hair down. There are plenty of things to do before you settle down!

Kissing a stranger on New Year

If this is one you have already ticked of your bucket list we applaud you! If you are single, and haven’t kissed a stranger on New Year, now is your chance. Grab the hottest guy in the room and kiss him, after all, he may end up even being the one you end up settling down with! Win-win.


Having your heart broken

Yes, this is probably the less appealing one of the lot. And as much as it isn’t nice to feel heartache, it will only benefit you in the long run. ‘How?’ I bet you are wondering… It means you will appreciate something good when it comes along… you won’t ever fall for those f*ckboys again… you won’t want to put them through heartache like you had experienced… and it will make you work harder for that special one!

What do you think of these things to do before you settle down? Let us know in the comments below!
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