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8 Wise Books That Will Make You A Better Person

8 Wise Books That Will Make You A Better Person

Reading is an excellent form of relaxation, empowerment, and education. The books we read stay with us even if you tend to forget what they are about. From comedy through fantasy and romance to self-improvement, with such diversity of wise books you have access to you can pick the one that grabs your attention more. Wise books are there to educate us, teach us and give us a sense of understanding of how the human body works, how the human mind works, and how we can better ourselves as individuals.

The time you invest in yourself, in your education and experience has a great value and it is the best investment you can possibly imagine. If you thrive for being the best version of yourself and desires to understand human nature then read along because this list is a game-changer! Here is the list of 8 Wise Books That Will Make You A Better Person!

1. The Alchemist

This novel was written by a Brazilian author Paulo Coelho and it was first published in 1988. Don’t you worry, although time has changed the message remains the same. A beautifully written book that will help you understand what is truly important to you as an individual and will help you find your way to follow your dreams, and do what your heart tells you. This novel out of a vast array of wise books should definitely be on your must-read list. It is touching, it makes you think and if you’re a quote person you’ll love it!


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2. The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

This powerful book was written by Stephen R. Convey and will provide you with knowledge on how to be productive and stay productive. The author gathered the 7 habits that very effective individuals do to stay on track and make the most of their time. Covey says that the way we see the world is completely based on our own perceptions and to change a particular situation what we need to do first is to change ourselves and to be able to do that we must be willing and capable of changing our perceptions. It is a very interesting read and this book will make things clear for you.


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3. The Magic Of Thinking Big

The author of this book once said that “success is determined not so much by the size of one’s brain as by the size of one’s thinking”. Your mind is extremely powerful, what you think and the way you think has such a massive influence on you as a person and your wellbeing. If you need a confidence boost, get your wise books and do the reading!


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4. The Art Of Happiness

Do you truly know what happiness is to you? Can you recognize what makes you happy and what brings you down? Wise books are incredible since they teach us and help us discover ourselves better. This book will guide you to find the answer or at least give you a different perspective on the so-called bad days you may have. Find your value and your drive, and keep educating yourself!


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5. The Motivation Myth

Get your hands on Haden Jeff’s brand new book on motivation that will shed some light on what motivation really is and how you can find it within yourself. The real motivation is the sum of achievements, not the cause of it. If you wish to explore this topic in-depth then purchase this amazing book that gives you a different perception of the term “motivation”, and explains how it works.


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6. The Power Of Positive Thinking

Read and learn, and use the power of positive thinking to change yourself into the best version you can possibly become! Positive thinking is a mental attitude and the process in which you create thoughts that will later transform that energy into reality. If you’re a positive person, you keep noticing positive things – it is as simple as that.

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7. Game Changers: What Leaders, Investors, And Mavericks Do To Win At Life

Another dose of wise books! The author of the book and award-winning podcast, Dave Asprey, analyzed his over 450 interviews and broke in down into three parts that you can find in the book. It is Smarter, Faster ANd Happier. Essentially what he says is that you can become smarter if you challenge yourself according to science. The faster you are the better since in today’s world the work must be efficient and quick. And lastly, once you take control of your mind and body, you become happier! To find out more, check the book out – it is worth it!

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8. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Have you ever wondered how subconsciousness works? This book explores the techniques you can implement to minimize subconscious hurdles and help you achieve your goals. Great piece of advice from Dr. Murphy!

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What wise books are on your must-read list? Share with us in the comments below.

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