If you’re reading this article, you are probably a university student right now and you are already stressing out about how to get your dream job when you graduate. The competition is tough out there but with these tips below, you may be able to increase your chances of getting that dream job you have always wanted!
Gone are the times when employers just look at your grades when it comes to hiring employees. Work experience has never been more important and that’s when work experience or internships play a crucial role. Work experience will prove to your employer that you can’t just talk the talk but you can walk the walk. It will show them that you’re a go-getter and you have experience of being in the working world.
While you’re at university, you can work around lectures by doing work experience placements or internships. These can be unpaid but it will give you an insight into the industry you want to get into and even better, increase your chances of getting that dream job you want.
It’s no longer about what you know but who you know. Having extensive knowledge of the industry is no longer enough as your connections and who you know may be able to help you land your dream job. Ever wondered how the guy that sleeps in lectures and puts zero effort in team projects managed to land an amazing job after graduation? It was probably due to his family having connections or maybe his ex-boss knew somebody in the industry.
So don’t be shy when it comes to getting to know new people at university. The next person you meet may know someone that can pull a few strings in helping you get an interview for your dream job!
There are always careers or jobs fairs going on whether it’s on-campus or at your local job centre. Make sure to find out when there are any upcoming events so you can find out more information about how to get into your chosen career.
Employers that attend these events may offer internships or work placements; they may also offer graduate schemes which might be a stepping stone to get into that dream job you are looking for. It’s also a good opportunity for you to network and you might even meet your future employer!
While you’re busy applying for every vacancy that is advertising your dream (or as close to) job, don’t forget that companies search for candidates themselves as well. Having said that, post your CV onto job sites whilst you’re still applying for jobs yourself.
It may be that you don’t find your dream job but your dream job finds you! Just make sure that your CV is all polished and up to date before posting it online. Get a friend or a careers advisor to check over your CV and get a second opinion to make sure you give the best impression.
Don’t be so fixated on trying to do whatever you can to land your dream job after graduation that you start to fall behind on your studying. Remember: employers are looking for a balance of good grades AND experience.
Prioritise your time well and don’t miss important deadlines. That interview for an internship might be great for adding experience on your CV but it won’t be any use if you fail the semester and you’d have to resit.
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