From a very young age I’ve always been very interested and amazed by the magic of film. When I found out that I could make a living out of something I like so much, the famous question of “what am I going to do when I grow up” was quickly answered. Through my personal journey to university as an international first year student, I picked up some tips along the way. Hopefully the things I have learned will help other international first year students with their fears and expectations of uni.
I know that a lot of young people feel pressure from their families to study a certain thing in order to have a very specific future, but don’t let this pressure sway you from your passion. You can and should be selfish and do what you love. Take a stand and fight for what you want to learn.
As college was coming to an end I had to start my research and find what university would be the best for me. I knew I had to stay fairly close to home due to some family problems, so film universities in America quickly became a “no” in my hunt. I applied for four universities in the UK and got into all of them, eventually deciding on Bournemouth University to study script writing for film and television.
When I made the decision to go to Bournemouth University I was aware of all of these. For me, the selling points were: the curriculum of the course, the teachers, the opportunities, and the location. The not so good: being so far from home and the different teaching methods in the UK from what I was used to in Portugal. This “negative” point actually became a positive one; the amount of support I received from BU as an international first year student was amazing.
People at uni are extremely friendly (most of them anyway). For the first time in our lives, we are all in the same place at the same time experiencing something new. So, lose the fear and just talk.
Like the buildings where your courses are held.
Get out and explore the town! Search for somewhere nearby that make you feel as close to home as possible. For me, since I grew up near the sea, the Bournemouth beaches quickly became go-to whenever I felt a bit homesick.
These events are not all just drinking and going to clubs (although there is a fair share of those). These events are designed to help you meet people and introduce you to your new life at uni.
Whether you are in a house with people or in university halls, make sure you get the know the people you are living with. In most cases you’ll end up creating great friendships.
Living alone and away from home for the first time is always difficult; bring your own books, your photographs, a pillow or sheet that you love.
For me, one of the biggest challenges of living alone for the first time was grocery shopping. I always bought either too much or too little food. If you plan out and cook your meals ahead of time, it makes everything much easier. For me that day was Sunday, I would cook everything and freeze for the week, just remember to take the food out of the freezer the night before.
Work around these days. It will make a very big difference in your account, trust me.
I know for a fact that it isn’t easy, but it does make a very big difference in your energy and ultimately performance at uni. So ditch the Starbucks and fast food every day (it’s very hard I know) and try to make healthier options.
Going off of the last tip, a good way keep yourself from constantly ordering junk food is to bring your own snacks to class. This will save your health and your wallet!
In my case, my lectures and seminars weren’t always on the same day at the same time, so it can be difficult to create a routine. My advice and what worked for me is: create a routine from week to week to make sure you are using your time wisely.
Something that was very surprising to me (and for a lot of other national and international first year students) is how much independent study and work you have to perform. This is where learning to manage your time becomes essential.
I love going for a run near the beach and enjoy the sea and the sun. But more that just keeping you fit, regular exercise keeps you healthy mentally, gives you a stability and makes you think more clearly. Whenever I get writer’s block I go for a run. I always come back feeling inspired. Use the time to exercise!
The first step to feeling happy is to surround yourself with people that you care about, so make sure you make time to be with your friends.
They want to know how uni life is going!
University is that one time of our lives when we can (and should) make mistakes that will build our future. This is as young as we are ever going to be, so enjoy it, have fun and make yourself proud.
Then go ask your mum what’s for breakfast.
I’m kidding! To be fair, these tips are what helped me in my specific case. University is something that is different for everyone and each individual should learn what works best for them…but hopefully these tips for international first year students (or any students, really) provide a little help to get you through!
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