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10 Memorable Ways To Honor Father Figures This Father’s Day

10 Memorable Ways To Honor Father Figures This Father’s Day

Looking for a way to honour father figures in your life this Father's Day? Look no further for a range of presents and activities you can enjoy with dad!

It’s difficult to think of a memorable way to honour father figures this father’s day. You want to make the paternal figures in your life feel loved and appreciated. If you’re struggling to find ways to make your dad feel special, here are 1o exciting things you can do this coming holiday!

1. Wine Tasting

Who doesn’t love a good wine? Wine tasting is a great way to make sure your dad enjoys himself on father’s day. You can discuss the sweet scents of white wine, or the fruity notes in your glasses of red, over a cheese platter or a hearty lunch. Wine tasting is an elegant and refined way to honour father figures this father’s day.

2. Take Him To The Movies

Simple and relaxing nights out are oftentimes the most appreciated. Honour your father figure by taking him out to see a movie of his choice! If you’re looking for something a little more special, why not see a movie in Gold Class, or at a rooftop or drive-in cinema? This way, your dad can relax after what might have been a busy week, and enjoy your company whilst feeling loved and appreciated!


3. Make Him Something

If you’re a creative person, why not venture into arts and crafts to make your dad feel special this holiday? Beautifully thought-out cards made with coloured paper are always good gifts. Inside your father’s day card, you can write about how much you appreciate the things your dad has done for you, or your favourite childhood memory of him. Alternatively, you might want to buy some picture frames and dig out old photographs of you and your dad when you were a kid, to give him something of sentimental value. You could even arrange these photographs on some twine or a picture board for him to present in his room or workspace. Why stop here? If you can draw, or write poetry or music, try to make something creative for your dad!

4. Surprise Him

Maybe your dad is busy this father’s day. We get it—it happens. This doesn’t mean you can’t honour him, though! If your dad is busy with work this holiday, surprise him! Help him out with organising files. Remind him that it’s father’s day with a phone call or a quick hug. You could even buy him some balloons to show him that you’ve been thinking of him.

5. Clean Up For Him

There’s nothing better than coming home to a clean house! Honour your father figures this father’s day by cleaning up their house and workspaces. You can make the day even more special by decorating his living space! Hang up celebratory banners, or photographs of you and your father. Buy him some plants and introduce him to aromatherapy with some scented candles. Father figures ’round the globe will feel taken care of with these simple gestures.


6. Take Him On A Road Trip

What’s a better present than a father-daughter, or father-son, getaway? Take your dad on a road trip this holiday to remind him of how special he is to you. You might want to organise something extravagant and take him to another city for the weekend. Or, if you’re pressed for time and cash, take him on a little cruise to a local lookout! You can sit at the top of high land and watch the stars and city lights together, as though the earth has been swallowed up by them! This is a great opportunity to catch up with your dad, have a little d&m and, of course, snack together.

7. Buy Him A Present

One of the best ways to honour father figures this father’s day is by buying him a present. Maybe he’s a suit and tie kind-of-guy, which means that cuff links are a must-have. You might want to think about purchasing that silver watch he’s been eyeing for the last few weeks. Great father’s day gifts also include headphones, concert tickets, coffee-machines, Nespresso pods, or cologne.  If you’re looking for something more simple, your dad will appreciate gifts like nice pens and notebooks. Whatever you get him, we’re sure he’ll love it!

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8. Go For A Run Together

If you and your father figure are really interested in fitness, then the perfect way to honour your dad is by inviting him to go on a run with you! This is the best place to hear about your dad’s week while soaking up all that nature has to offer. Going for a run with your father is a fun and invigorating activity which can stimulate a greater conversation and bond between you! You might also want to take him out for a healthy breakfast afterwards—though nobody will judge you if you choose to order a burger!

9. Enjoy A Fun Activity

If your dad is an outdoorsy, adventurous guy, what is a more perfect present than taking him out for the day? You and your dad can take it easy with some bird-watching bonding time, or casual golf. If you want to spend a little more, why not try out some archery or rock climbing? If you’re up for making a full day out of it, canoeing is a great day to bond with your dad and make sure that he feels honoured this father’s day.

10. Tell him how much you love him

A simple way to honour father figures this special this holiday is by reminding them how much you love them. It’s easy to forget to tell your parents how much you appreciate them, and easy for them to believe you’ve forgotten all that they have done for you! Though simple, one of the best ways of celebrating your father this year is by reminding him how much you truly admire him!


How are you going to honour father figures this holiday? Let us know in the comments below!

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