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The Typical Day of a Student at Baylor University

The Typical Day of a Student at Baylor University

The Typical Day of a Student at Baylor University

Being a Bear requires a perfect balance between school and other things. Here’s what a typical day as a student at Baylor University is all about.

My alarm blares, and I jump.

The blurry numbers on my phone read 8:02am. I have an 8:00am.

*scratch sound*


*Fast Forwards Tape to the Day After*

Baylor’s schedule is interchangeable on different days, and Tuesday’s and Thursday’s are the days I rather showcase than a very Monday-ish Monday. But, my day is pretty simple in terms of a college student. I run late, drink too much coffee for a small person, live in patagonia pull overs, and trip on the stairs in Carroll Science every day.


On a normal Tuesday morning, my alarm goes off at 6:30, and I sleepily get up and immediately turn on my keurig–I like to have coffee be the first thing I see. It’s very consistent in my life– and wait for my room to fill with a dark roasted aroma that always brings a sigh and a smile to my face. My roommate is zonked out still, so I rely on my desk lamp, and my light on my phone to get me through the morning, and hope I don’t put my pants on backwards.


By the time I’m dressed, and have two cups of coffee in my system, it’s 8:30 (I like to sit and sift through my emails and write, and listen to the news, so basically I’m forty-five until 8:30). Off to Carroll I go for English. I happen to be an English major, so English is my favorite class of the day, for I get to do what I love, and learn how to do it more efficiently.

There’s always something going on on campus, whether it be a Soro event, or just free coffee in Moody (which I always hit up, cause hey, free coffee! Why not?). After I hit up the free coffee, and scrummage through my backpack in search of my calculator, I backtrack to Sid Rich and sit (try not to fall asleep) through calc.

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I then run in weirdly warm weather for a January day, and grab some dinner on the way back to my dorm. A typical night for me is filled with studying in Teal lobby with some friends, and writing until its acceptable to go to sleep.

A “typical” day for me is usually not typical but as a student at Baylor would day, most of the time, my day is “sic”.

What does your day look like compared to a student at Baylor University? Comment below!
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