10 Types Of People You See At UD

There are so many different types of people on UD’s diverse campus. Now that the semester is starting to fly by, I’m sure you keep seeing some familiar faces on campus. Keep reading for the 10 kinds of people you see at UD!
1. The Frat Guy/Sorority Girl
These are people you see at UD all the time. They rep their Greek letters any chance they have and are pretty easy to find. They’re preppy and always on trend. You have yet to see them wear the same thing twice because they rotate through their collection of Greek apparel which seems to be larger than your entire closet. They can be found brunching on weekends or participating in one of their millions of philanthropy events.
2. The Skater Dude
He rolls by you on his longboard with Beats headphones around his neck. How he’s coordinated enough to navigate his way to class is a mystery. Personally, you don’t find that he gets to class any faster that way. He looks more like he belongs in a catalog for Zumies, than on the way for a cram session at Morris.
3. The Athlete
You try to sneak a peek at their backpack because you know it’ll tell you whatever team they’re on. They can be spotted a mile away being as they are some of the few on campus not at risk of the dreaded freshman fifteen. You can’t fathom how they manage to go to class and workout every single day but more power to them.
4. The Perfectionist
You were feeling pretty confident about the test coming up in sociology until this girl sat down next to you. Her notes are color coordinated and so neat you almost thought they were typed. Your chicken-scratch notes feel pretty inadequate in comparison. She is the ideal student, prepared for every exam well in advance and manages to look presentable even for an 8am on Monday morning. As much as you want to hate her, you can’t deny she has her life together and could probably teach you a thing or two.
5. The Next Pitch Perfect Star
They find any excuse to sing and are constantly telling you to come to their next acapella event. He/she can be heard, even during quiet hours, especially during quiet hours, belting out their favorite Disney songs. It was cute at first, but now you might throw a fit if you hear them belting ‘Let it Go’ one more time.
6. The Nature Lover
These people you see at UD are usually environmental science majors. They give you the stink eye when they notice you tossing your trash in the wrong bin and are constantly sending out emails trying to convince others to stop using plastic water bottles. You know their heart’s in the right place, but it can be exhausting listening to their endless rants.
7. The Lazy One
You pass him on the way to your 2pm class and, somehow even in the late afternoon, this guy has that just-rolled-out-of-bed look. He’s slept on a bench on the green on more than one occasion. You find yourself wondering if and when he’ll stop showing up at all.
8. The Future President
These are the people you see at UD who run for all the positions. They love to be in charge and you can tell the speeches they give are just practice for the real thing years to come. You run the other way in the halls just to avoid a heated debate about the upcoming election. They mean well and act like more of an adult than most their fellow students, but politics are not the best topic of discussion when all you’re really thinking about is when you can leave and binge watch Grey’s Anatomy.
9. The Flake
This girl is late for everything. She answers texts only half the time and shows up to lunch a half hour late without so much as an explanation. Getting her to commit to plans is an accomplishment in itself. She’s a lot of fun and super sweet, but you don’t want to rely on her when you’re really in a bind.
10. The Chronic Partier
You’re pretty sure they had a strict curfew of 10 o’clock even on weekends because they find every excuse to go out. Tequila Tuesday? They’re out. Dage in 30-degree weather? No way they won’t be there. They’ve gotten a little carried away with this newfound freedom and somehow haven’t run out of steam yet, but you’re counting the days until they find they can’t handle a hangover on the same day as their calculus midterm.
Is this list accurate for people you see at UD? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: favim.com and bluehens.com; weheartit.com
I'm a freshman at the University of Delaware and an aspiring writer. Hope to travel the world, or at least see as many as places as possible and write about all my experiences. I love fashion, Starbucks and most of all my family. I hope to pursue a career in journalism and share all my thoughts and experiences with whoever is willing to read them :)