Types Of Notebooks You Should Be Using To Keep Yourself On Track This Semester

High school is over, and gone are the days of cramming the night before your final exam, because you made it to college and it is time to start taking your studies seriously. I’m not saying it won’t be fun, because trust me your college years can be a blast, but it is important to stay on top of your schoolwork and tests to ensure you’re achieving all your goals. If you want to start your college career off on the right foot then you’re going to want to stay organized. The best way to stay on top of all the craziness you’ll be dealing with is to use a variety of notebooks, so that all of your important notes are in one place. These journals, notebooks and calendars will help you get on the right foot and keep you looking stylish, no need to write your midterm dates on a yellow legal pad.
1. Start Today Journal
Rachel Hollis is a queen and if you haven’t met her, go check her out right now! New York Times best-selling author, podcast host, entrepreneur and overall badass boss claims to owe all of her success to this type of journal. The idea is that you write down your goals as if they have already happened, this way your brain stars to believe they have already happened, it’s basically a reverse notebook. Before you write down your goals, you must first write down five things that you are grateful for that day. These can’t be overwhelming things that you should always be grateful for like your family, life, air or food on your plate. You should write down the small things that made your day better, had a great sleep, coffee was made in the morning, I aced my Spanish midterm. This notebook will be helpful for you during the school year because it is a great way to focus on what is important and what you should be thankful for. Be intentional about your goals can help you regain control over a hectic semester. You can buy this specific brand of notebook or take the idea and make your own version of it. Rachel Hollis has podcasts, youtube videos and blogs about how to make your own Start Today Journal, and how to start using yours productively, so make sure to check those out too.
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2. Calendar
Don’t underestimate the power of a good calendar notebook. Writing out your week on a calendar can help you stay organized and optimize your time effectively. Don’t hesitate to write down things that aren’t pressing, every little bit of information can help you understand how your week is going to look. Track your exams, dates, midterms, parties, projects, sorority mixers, and even your period in a Calendar notebook. Try out a Calendar notebook that has tare out pages so that you can post it somewhere that easy to see every day. This notebook will work as a reminder and organizer all at once. The reason I suggest using a calendar notebook over an actual calendar is that you can take your notebook with you and make notes about future events as soon as you find out about them.
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3. Bullet Journal
Bullet journals, for those of you that don’t know, are big notebooks that are usually coiled. They’re supposed to be big so that you can write big inside them. These notebooks are perfect for making daily to-do lists, tracking your food log and making notes to yourself in class. Start every day by making a to-do list to plan out what the next 24 hours are going to be like. There is nothing more satisfying than getting to scratch an item off of your to-do list. Not to mention because they are so big you can add things to your list as they come up throughout the day. This is the type of notebook you will bring everywhere with you, so make sure you pick something cute out. Some bullet notebooks come with re-fillable coils so that you can pick a style and stick with it.
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4. Diary
I won’t lie, college can be an emotionally trying time. You’re away from your parents, friends and superhero bedsheets. Don’t turn to food or partying to comfort yourself, that’s how the freshmen 15 will happen. Instead, try using a diary, find a small but cute little notebook that only you get to see. Write your hopes, dreams, fears and stream of consciousness in this notebook and feel a million times better. Don’t bring this book with you, that can only lead to trouble, put it somewhere safe and secure so that you don’t have to worry about your roommate snoopy.
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5. Financial
This will not come as a shock to you, but college is expensive. Even if you have student loans or rich parents, there will still be surprise expenses that come up. Once you start thinking about textbooks, food, rent, and beer, even if you buy the cheap stuff, you’ll realize it adds up fast. Track what you’re spending and what is coming in with a good old fashioned notebook. Yes, there is probably an app for this, but nothing beats pen to paper. You can buy stylish notebooks that have graphs, spreadsheets and notes that will help you stay on top of your spending.
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College is going to be the best four years of your educational life. With sororities to join, parties to attend and kegs to stand on you’ll be pretty busy. Don’t let your schoolwork fall to the wayside, stay organized and make sure you are achieving your dreams. In a world where everyone is on their phones, stand out and use a notebook to help you stay organized all semester long. Try out some of these and notice the difference in your academic and social life.
What is your favorite way to stay organized in college? Comment Below!
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A digital content producer who loves writing about all things pop-culture, fashion and of course food! Follow me on Instagram, @mackenzie_jaquish for updates on my newest articles.