12 Types Of College Roommates Everyone Has

While in college, you’re bound to meet a long list of characters. While living on campus, however, we hope for the coolest roommate possible. After all, they will most likely be the first and the last person we see at the start and end of the day. Though we can’t always choose our roommates, we can choose how we interact with them. Here is a short list of 12 types of college roommates. Freshmen beware…
1. The Mother/Father
This roommate wants to take care of you, literally. They are an old soul trapped in a young body. They usually come from a background where they cared for siblings or other family members so it is natural for them to nurture. Except you left your parents at home. Kindly decline their extra care, unless you really miss your parents.
2. The Brother/Sister
This type of roommate grew up as an only child. Which explains why they always want to ride home with you on holiday breaks. They seem unusually interested in your family. If you feel sympathy, unofficially adopt them.
3. The Imposter
This is probably the worst of the types of college roommates. With an imposter as a roommate, you don’t know who they really are. You have caught them in lies about where they’re from, their actual major and other details. Unless you’re studying to be a detective, stay far from this one.
4. The Lecturer
Living with the lecturer is a problem. They love commenting on your lifestyle, friends, course choices, and clothing. You might awake to them giving you a lecture about your grades, or the group of friends you’re hanging around with. Politely tell them that you don’t appreciate or need lectures, just friendships. They will either get the message and stop lecturing, or will find someone else on you floor to room with. Come to think of it, this is probably the worst of the types of college roommates.
5. The T.H.O.T.
This individual is the reason you need your cell phone on you at all times. You’ll need it because they will be calling you each time to make sure you’re home. They need to since there is a different partner they’ll be returning to the room with.
6. The Stalker
This roommate turns up everywhere you are. They have an admiration for you but does not share much conversation with you in the room you share. There is no other word to describe them than “creepy.” The further you stay away, the better. Once you separate yourself, they may take the high road and disappear by switching roommates. If it escalates, it is best to let school officials know.
7. The Slacker
You wonder how they even got into college. They are declared the laziest types of college roommates where they sit in the room most of the day, smoking and drinking and talking to their friends back home. You’ll see them in the cafeteria and out in the quad, but not much else. They will be gone as soon as they fail their classes or their parents are tired of paying their tuition when there are zero results.
8. The Hustler
They come from a long line of salesmen in their family and it shows. This roommate shows up and all of a sudden, you feel like you’re in an auction house. Everything they have is for sell and they want to pawn it to you. Old textbooks. Check. That pair of Yeezy sneakers her thief cousin stole for them. Check. Your sanity. Uncheck.
9. The Detective
The detective wants to know everything about you but instead of confronting you to your face, they’d prefer to find out about you by investigating you instead of coming to you directly. They actually fear people and are so distrustful that they don’t really believe the words coming from your mouth. Hence, their investigation into who you really are begins. This is one of the most, let’s put it, interesting, types of college roommates.
10. The Gossip
This roommate wants to tell you all of the campus gossip. They are everywhere they shouldn’t be at the wrong times. The perfect word for them is spy. But be careful. Gossips usually spread your business as well. The most annoying part about rooming with them is how many hours you have to hear about who is sleeping with who and what professor just got fired for whatever.
11. The Jealous Roommate
You are the epitome of everything they ever wanted to be. They try to dress like you, talk like you and do the things you do. It will start off as flattering but quickly turn into the most dreaded roommate you could ever want. They might even begin joining outside activities you enjoy. The best way to be rid of them is to ignore them. They admire you too much to be pushy in the end when you let them know it turns you off.
12. The Snitch Roommate
This kind of roommate is similar to the “Gossip.” Except, you are the only topic of conversation. Your roommate uses your private conversations and personal visits in your dorm, as the soap opera central of your university. I wonder how in the world everyone knew about your dying Uncle in the hospital, your roommate couldn’t wait to leak the news. With a roommate like this, you’ll be guaranteed to take all of your calls in the hallway from now on.
Roommates. They can either make your stay comfortable, or make you feel like the star of your own lifetime movie. Either way, they are part of campus life that is unavoidable. But what you should avoid is being clueless about what signs to pay attention to when it’s time to switch roommates. The roommate from hell or the greatest roommate you could ever ask for, is right in your reach. Hopefully, you will come out a winner with the best roommate in the universe.
What other types of college roommates are there? Share in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

"I am a woman of a certain age (a lady can choose to tell - lol), and a proud current part-time student at Union County College. I received my Bachelor's degree in English from Bloomfield College and my Master's degree from (egads) The University of Phoenix in Adult Online Education. Nothing excites me more than sharing my college experiences with the world. I Tweet too @TakeshaDPowell"