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Types Of Cardigans You Can Literally Wear With Anything

Types Of Cardigans You Can Literally Wear With Anything

A cardigan has a long history of sophistication, and many in the past might have sported a cardigan to appear “preppy” or even appear to have wealth. But today, many cardigans are sported with the intention to look trendy and complete an outfit. In today’s world of fashion, cardigans are a separate category aside from blouses, shirts, sweaters, and well you get the picture. There are many different types of cardigans and they can literally be worn with anything.

The cropped cardigan

Take for example, this American Eagle outfitters cropped cardigan, selling for $44.95, this little cardigan comes in colors mint, peach, white, blue, brown, and red. As shown in the picture, the cardigan is paired with jean shorts and a tank top. Need more suggestions? Well, this cardigan can pair well with a mini skirt and tucked in t-shirt, or you can also switch the skirt for jeans. The cropped cardigan is a modern and trendy outfit piece for everyday wear and is the mostly sported cardigan out on the town, well that and a mask.

The oversized cardigan

This next cardigan is mostly used at home and is usually viewed as a lounge type of cardigan. The oversized cardigan, in which American Eagle outfitters also sells for about $39.99, and they have it colors of in charcoal, oatmeal, green, red, and multicolor. Ahh the oversized cardigan, just the thought of it puts me in the mood just wanting to lounge around in the living room or in a library reading books. This cardigan for some reason puts most people in a cozy mood, and is mostly sported with a tank top and some yoga pants, I mean come on when you are in a cozy mood, all you want to be is comfortable right? Now, ok I know in the picture the model has on jeans and a shirt with the cardigan, but this cardigan can still go with anything, even shorts, don’t worry your cozy mood won’t fade I’m sure of it.

The cable knit cardigan

Rolling along to the next, the cable knit cardigan is a little heavier than the other cardigans and it mainly has to do with the fabric and structure of the knitting. And you guessed it American Eagle outfitters sells one they call the hooded cable knit cardigan for $37.46, which comes in cream and in navy. The cable knit is definitely something worn in the winter since it’s thick you will feel warm walking through a winter wonderland. Ha, see what I did there? I mean in some cases you may see this type of cardigan being worn in warmer months, however there is a big difference between California and Florida weathers, my guess is that you will probably see this cardigan in being sported in the early mornings of California rather than Florida. As shown in this picture, the model is wearing this cardigan with a pair of jeans and a white tee, but I’m guessing that most of you are highly creative with your fashion choices and will jazz it up with other items.

The Tie-Front Crop Cardigan

Now, let me ask you this question, could a cardigan be an actual top? Well Hollister clothing company seems to think so with their Tie-Front Crop Cardigan, sold for $39.95, and comes in white, yellow, green, and gray. Wow inventive if you ask me, this unique cardigan ties at the front with only three buttons, its light weight makes it easy to move around in, you can even wear an under shirt. Many may debate it is or isn’t, but I would categorize it with all the other cardigans. You can dress it with jeans, a skirt, or shorts, it ultimately does not matter, put on some accessories and your ready to go grab some lunch with your friends, but don’t forget your mask and to social distance.

The boyfriend cardigan

This next cardigan is mostly viewed as a “professional cardigan”, like one you would see in on a teacher or in the office, no not the TV show “the office,” but you get the picture. The cardigan I’m describing is called the boyfriend cardigan oddly enough. No one really knows why it is given that title, but I am going to assume that this type of cardigan was originally a boy’s cardigan and they would let their girlfriends sport it, thus creating the boyfriend cardigan. This cardigan is a classic Hollister item because it has always made an appearance in each new line up year-round. The cost of this cardigan depends on the color, the light brown is sold for $13.98, while the white is sold for $34.95. Now I had mentioned that this cardigan is seen more as a professional cardigan, and that’s true you can certainly appear intelligent and business like when wearing this in an office, however thanks to modern times, this cardigan has certainly been seen out of the office. You could pair it with jeans and a t-shirt, with a button up blouse and some slacks, or you can even sport it over your athleisure wear.

The slouchy textured cardigan

Lastly, but certainly not least we have the slouchy textured cardigan. Hollister sells this for about $39.95 in colors of grey, white, and mustard, and well I’ll just say it, it’s in the name. What I mean is this unique cardigan has a ribbon textured feel to it, with a shoulder sleeve that slouches close to your elbows. This cardigan, shown in the picture can be worn with a skirt and Tank Top, or it could be worn with jeans and a tee, and even with a pair of shorts and a crop top. This type of cardigan literally goes with anything!

Now before we end off, here are a few honorable mentions of past cardigans that helped pave the way to our modern cozies:

See Also

1950’s The Beacon Hill Shawl, this cardigan hardly wraps around the shoulders, but with I think if it were brought back it would totally trend.

1960’s Mohair Cable Knit Cardigan, well I am not surprised that cable knit goes way back. This vintage look holds a sense of elegance and class, quite classy indeed.

1970’s Granny square cardigan / crochet cardigan, now this might not trend in today’s market, but we can appreciate the handwork that went into creating this unique cardigan, I mean hey, it was the 70’s.

1980’s Robin Ladies’ Cardigan & Men’s Cardigan, well the 80’s was certainly a fun decade, what an era of experimenting with colors, fabrics, and out of this world styles!

With that said, cardigans may have been a thing of wealth in the past, but today we embrace them as modern casual wear, they are light, sophisticated, cute, and can literally go with anything.
Jeannie Reyes

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