
The 8 Types Of Boys You’ll Meet At Michigan State University

When you’re a girl at college you end up finding yourself coming across a long range of guys. Some may have left a lasting impression, some not so much. This list of the eight types of boys you’ll meet at Michigan State University might include those non-forgettable moments.

1. Mr. Free Spirit

Paired with a man bun, and non-perception glasses this guy is the definition of hipster. Watch out though, he doesn’t like labels. Did I forget to mention that he writes music, and hates everything mainstream? Except Drake, he’ll never admit that in person though. Movie theater movies bore him, catch him watching those oldies. He might think he’s the most unique person, but sorry to burst your bubble dude. Your just like the rest of us.

2. Political Warrior

Slicked back hair and a smart mouth to match this guy isn’t afraid to speak his mind when it comes the countries political climate. His freshman year he joined a political club and hasn’t looked back since. Facebook is nothing but politics and news stories, okay dude we get it. You love that red white and blue.

3. The Can I Get Your Number?

Girls, it doesn’t matter day or night this guy is on the hunt. He is a serial flirt, and has about fifteen girls in his contact list. Before he can even utter those fatal words, run for the hills honey.

4. Bar Star

Guinness, IPA, or Bud Light this guy is drinking it all when he goes out. Singing terribly off key, and bad dance moves mean nothing when he’s fueled. His homies are sure to be hyping him up, while he downs another shot. When he gets bored, its off to the next prime location.

5. The Frat Bro

Before you can even enter into the frat house, this guy is the first to ask “Who do you know here?” If you don’t know a single brother in the house he does, then good luck trying to get in. He reps that theme night wear be it jersey, country, or black out his outfit always matches. His friends include all of his brothers, and his main actives are house related. If your not with the frat life, might as well leave now.

See Also

6. The Friend

It was freshman year when you both struggling in Bio 101 when you found each other. Instead of trying to hit on you like other guys, he just wanted to become study buddies. The rest was history. Now, you both are inseparable. You can talk to him about everything ranging from guys to aliens in outer space. No one understands why you guys aren’t dating, but that’s okay they don’t have to. As long as you guys have each other nothing else matters.

7. Gym Head

Ever go to the gym, and see a guy drop his weights with a loud disturbed growl? His meals include protein shakes and asking people if they even lift. Forget jeans and t-shirts his attire consists of nothing but Nike swag. You don’t go to the gym at least five times a week? Sorry girl, the relationship wont last long.

8. The Crush

Unlike the friend, he is the one in the group that you secretly been feeling since the moment you guys meant. Be it his smile, gorgeous eyes, or hair girl you fell hard for this dude. His jokes are cheesy but you laugh. He might not be everyone’s type but he’s yours. Never in a million years would you think that he would feel anything towards you. However, you might not be the only one with butterflies in the stomach girl. You’ll definitely meet him at Michigan State University.

Don’t worry if you haven’t run into any of these guys on campus at Michigan State University yet, because odds are you will encounter at least one of them during your college career. Have you encountered any of these people at Michigan State University? Tell us in the comments!
Featured Image Source:
Jaylyn Galloway

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