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The 8 Types Of Boys/Girls You’ll Meet At SUNY Empire State College

The 8 Types Of Boys/Girls You’ll Meet At SUNY Empire State College

SUNY Empire State College is filled to the brim with a wide range of people. We can guarantee you'll meet at least some of these people at SUNY ESC.

I take online courses at SUNY Empire State College. Have been since 2014. The people you “meet” through the online forums are really just lovely. Even those whom you read about through event postings from the school, those who are out participating, being active, and showing their support via social media. They’re all very swell. Maybe it’s something to do with the internet atmosphere that renders people to be friendly, sociable, and successful. Or, maybe they’re just genuinely great people. Either way, we’re all great and in very different ways, and at SUNY ESC you’ll meet many of these uniquely awesome types of people. I’ll tell you a bit about them in this article. Here’s 8 types of boys/girls you’ll meet at SUNY Empire State College.

The Very Polite

The very polite people are the types that seem like they can do no wrong. They always post positive feedback in the forums and speak politely to everyone when greeting or engaging in conversations. There’s lots of boys/girls like this at SUNY Empire State College, and you’re really lucky if you mange to make friends with them. They’re genuinely nice people who make the atmosphere enjoyable.

The Group Leaders Who Are More Like Members

Group activities are totally congenial at SUNY Empire State College. As opposed to being a group of people fighting each others ideas, we actually work together to come to solutions. And the group leaders are always nice and incorporative. Meaning that they don’t act higher than the rest of the members of the group. They ask everyone’s opinion before making final decisions and submissions, as well as offer their own to show that they’re participating and not just leading. Shout out to the awesome group leaders at SUNY ESC.


The Befrienders

Not always, but often enough you’ll run into people who’ll consistently work with you through your courses. I’m calling them the befrienders because they consistently comment on your work and you can maintain an engaging relationship with them throughout that course. You can also extend the friendship beyond the limits of school. This is an awesome type of boy/girl you’ll meet at SUNY Empire State College.

The Helpers

Everyone needs help sometimes and we don’t always want to spend dollars on tutoring and such. At SUNY ESC you can sometimes bump into students who are great at noticing the needs of others,  and often offer their assistance without even needing a request. They voluntarily provide helpful feedback or advice, either directly in the chats and discussions or privately via messaging. These are awesome people that definitely need to be recognized.

The Rude Boys/Girls

No school is perfect and more accordingly, no person is. Occasionally you’ll meet a rude person that feels the need to burn you or something right in the forums. I don’t make much of it, honestly. This usually comes from people who are dealing with their own insecurities in their abilities in school and feel the need to ridicule others to make themselves feel better. I guess that’s life. Just be on the look out for these kinds of people and remember to not engage in conflicts. Just let them wallow in their own bad energy.

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The Pro LGBTQ Community

You’ll meet members of LGBTQ here as well. They are as engaging and wonderful as most students, if not more so, and are sometimes very open about themselves. What I find that makes LGBTQ persons unique from some students is that they are always outgoing and assertive in the classes. Their personalities are the first thing you’ll notice. This is another great type of person you’ll meet at SUNY Empire State College.

The Ghosters

These people are certainly apparent when you’re studying online. They’re the ones who enroll in the course but you don’t see them or chat with them until the course is nearly complete. They submit all their assignments on the last day…Who know’s maybe they’re communicating with each other in their own little ghost community somewhere.


The Progressively Intelligent

Many of the boys/girls you’ll meet at SUNY Empire State College are very intelligent. They post efficient work and can relate to and reconstruct the topics substantially. This is always welcoming because you get to engage with people that make you feel like you’re getting somewhere in life. You’re improving and achieving in the ways you think and comprehend; and in turn this allows you to come up with groundbreaking ideas to apply to real life. The intelligent people you’ll meet at SUNY ESC will ensure you that you’re not burning years out of your life studying just to show that you still don’t know anything.

What are the people in your school like? Leave a comment below if you know about the different types of boys/girls you’d meet at SUNY Empire State College!