18 Travel Hacks Everyone Needs To Know About

I like to think of myself as a pretty experienced traveler. As a result of that, I have learned many different things when it comes to traveling that have helped me become an even better traveler. These travel hacks are things everyone should know about, regardless of how often you travel. They will make your next travel experience so much easier.
1. Use Packing Cubes
Packing cubes are small to large sized fabric containers that help save space in your suitcase, as well as help keep it organized. The small ones can be used for things like undergarments or bathing suits, and the larger ones can be used for your clothes. Once you start using these, you will never go back.
Get them here:
2. Put Makeup/Toiletries In A Small Bag
By putting your toiletries/makeup in a zip lock bag or a small makeup case, you will be saving space in your suitcase as they can easily fit in small spaces of your suitcase.
3. Put Your Laptop In Last
It’s best to pack your laptop (and anything else that will need to come out at security) last and lay it on top of everything. This way you simply unzip your suitcase and pull it out. You won’t have to deal with the people behind you rolling their eyes because you’re holding up the line digging through your bag trying to find what you need.
4. Wear Your Heaviest Layers To The Airport
This is another great way to save space in your suitcase. Dress in your heaviest layers to the airport and you can always take some of the layers off once you get on the plane. This will also help with the weight of your suitcase, which can ultimately save you money by not having to pay extra for going over the weight limit.
5. Use Google Flights
Google Flights is a great way to save money on airfare and one of the best travel hacks to know. Simply input where and when you want to travel and it will show you prices for each day of the month you’re looking to leave. Sometimes by simply leaving a day or two earlier or later can save you a ton of money on airfare.
6. Use Sky Scanner
Sky Scanner is another great option to try and save money on flights when it comes to travel hacks! If you search “everywhere,” Sky Scanner will show you everywhere an airline flies to for affordable prices.
7. Put Your Flat/Curling Iron In An Oven Mitt
Yes, you read that right. Stick your curling/flat iron in an oven mitt – it won’t add very much bulk so it can still easily be slid in on the side of your suitcase, and if you’re in a rush and can’t wait for it to cool down before packing it, the oven mitt will protect your other items from heat damage.
8. Put Bobby Pins In An Empty Tic Tac Case
Every girl knows the struggle of starting off with 100 bobby pins and quickly ending up with none. By putting your bobby pins in a tic tac case, you are reducing the risk of losing them. It’s also very easy to dispense out and certainly beats just throwing them in a bag and hoping for the best.
9. Bring A Small Laundry Bag
This helps with organization of your suitcase. Bring an extra bag to put your dirty clothes and/or wet bathing suits to keep them separate from your clean clothes. This will also help to not make your clean clothes smelly.
10. Use Binder Clips
Binder clips are great for chargers, headphones, and hair ties. Chargers and headphones get all caught up together, making it almost impossible to untangle, and hair ties get lost just as easily as bobby pins. By securing those items together with binder clips, you won’t have to worry about tangled wires or missing hair ties.
11. Break Up Your Flights
It’s always preferred to fly direct, but you can actually save quite a bit of money by simply breaking up your flights. For example, if you are traveling from the US to Europe, the flights can get pretty expensive. But, if you break them up, say from Las Vegas to London and then London to Greece, you can save yourself an incredible amount of money.
12. Open A Private Window When Booking Flights And Hotels
First, if you don’t know how to do this, it’s easy. All you need to do is open Safari, go to “File” and click the second option “New Private Window.” This prevents companies from seeing what you are searching and ultimately charging you more knowing that you are looking at flights and hotels.
13. Utilize Shoe Space
This is another great way to save space. Even if you just pack your socks into your shoes you are still saving yourself some space and maximizing the space you have to the best of your ability.
14. Pack Neutral Clothing
This is a way to help you pack lighter. By packing a few neutral clothing items like jeans and solid colored shirts, you can mix and match them together to create many different outfits. Whereas if you packed more patterned and brightly colored clothing, you’re restricting yourself on what you can wear it with, resulting in you needing to pack more outfits and take up unnecessary space.
15. Limit Your Shoes
There is no reason to pack a different pair of shoes for each outfit, especially if you pack neutral clothing. Wear one pair of shoes to the airport and pack one extra pair (make sure both pairs are neutral so they go with everything) and you’re good to go. Anything more than that is just unnecessary.
16. Use A Straw For Jewelry
Girls know the struggle of necklaces getting mangled together. Simply stick your necklaces through a plastic straw and clip it in the back and you won’t have to worry about your necklaces getting tied together.
17. Maximize Your Personal Items
Most of the time you are allowed to bring a personal item on the plane with you, in addition to your carry on, for free. That item doesn’t have to just be a purse, either. It can also be a small duffel bag, which is like having an extra carry on. Maximize the space in that to get to bring even more with you if need be.
18. Pack A Dryer Sheet
By simply placing a dryer sheet on the top of everything in your suitcase, it can help keep everything smelling fresh and clean. This is especially good to do on the way home from your trip when you have dirty clothes in your suitcase.
Got any more travel hacks to add to this list? Let us know down below!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.