10 Totally Relatable Tik Toks

Tik Tok has literally taken over our lives. From the viral songs and dances to the relatable scenarios and skits. Tik Tok has truly become an escape for college students from academic responsibilities.
Tik Tok allows us to take our lives and make a joke out of life struggles.
With that being said, here are 10 Totally Relatable Tik Toks:
1. Did a Full 180, Crazy
These Tik Toks are the ones that give a visual representation of what goes through our minds in a highly awkward situation. They also depict our own inner thoughts in creating a decision.
For instance, a girl decides to be more open about dating. She decides she will go through a boy phase. But then she remembers that she is really insecure about her body and the thought of her being naked in front of different boys scares her.
Another thought pops into her head, she realizes she truly never got over an ex-boyfriend. Even if she were to go through this phase, she would compare every guy to her ex-boyfriend to find similar qualities from him in these guys.
She realizes that the cons outweigh the pros. So she decides to go back being unsocial, single and boy-less. This scenario is recorded in this video all while the song “Don’t Start Now” by Dua Lipa loops in the background.
Another scenario would be you walk into class and you see the chairs in a circle for discussion. The person re-creating this scenario would add a funny tornado effect of them exiting as soon as they walked in while this song would be on a loop.
These Tik Toks are funny and relatable for those “I have to take a 180” moment.
2. Mrs. Officer
These Tik Toks comprise of Lil Wayne’s Song “Mrs. Officer” to depict a very relatable awkward situation. For example, a girl decides to go on a date with a boy. She comes home from said date and instantly reaches into the fridge for some food.
Puzzled, her mother asks her daughter, “Didn’t y’all go out to eat food on your date” The daughter freezes with the spoon that was on her way to her mouth and realizes that she just exposed her lie of going on a “dinner date” with this boy when really something else happened.
This scenario is recorded whilst the song Mrs. Officer by Lil Wayne plays in the background. People have claimed this Tik Tok as the new Mannequin Challenge song of 2020. The freezing of oneself in this Tik Tok represents the situation is so awkward that it causes you to freeze.
3. I Might Just Go Pshyco
These Tik Toks truly depict those tough moments that get on our last nerve. This can be our pet peeves or anything that others do that truly push us to our limits.
For instance, you are texting someone and they leave you on read. You might be a little ticked off at bit but maybe something came up. Then you go on social media and it shows that they were active 10 minutes ago. The song “Psycho” by MASE loops in the background during this scenario.
This Tik Tok is relatable and really showcases a lot of those moments in life that really urks you.
4. Wow Didn’t Know it Did That
These Tik Toks truly resemble the times when we not only surprise ourselves but when you surprise others. This Tik Tok is mostly silent but when the surprising/ rare scenario comes up a voice-over of someone saying “Wow Didn’t know it Did That” plays in the background.
For example, let’s say you are known for sleeping in very late. You hardly ever get up before 1 pm. You love to sleep. One day you get up at bed before 1 pm. Your mom is shook that you got up that early. Your mom would mouth “Wow didn’t know it did that.”
You not only surprised others but you surprised yourself in doing something you thought you couldn’t do.
5. Yeah I Did It, Yeah I Did It
These Tik Toks are the ones that allow you to call yourself out in your dumb mistakes or failures. It allows you to laugh about and simp about your situation at the same time.
A perfect scenario would be having a mental breakdown about being overweight and your grades are dropping. You dance along to the song ” I Did It” by Kris Yute and when the part “Yeah, I did it” comes up you call yourself about it as you hold a bag of chips and failing tests.
This indicates that despite your mental breakdown you’re still back in the place that got you to your mental breakdown. It’s a bittersweet way to showcase how you cope with your own toxic behavior.
6. Wait a Damn Minute…
This comical Tik Tok shows a moment in time where we step back and question something that is presented to us. It can work for many anything you think is right but then something looks off and you have to question to see if you truly are right.
A Tik Tok scenario that shows this would be, you are recreating your funeral. You are laying down in your casket and your crush who went to your funeral confesses his lobe for you in the casket. You would then open your eyes and mouth out the words of “wait a damn minute” from an expert a contestant said in a reality TV show “Big Brother.”
Contestant Da’vonne is known for this catchy phrase she said and unintentionally became viral on Tik Tok.
7. School is Very Hard
This Tik Tok is for all the students out there! It shows the person making this Tik Tok in different parts of school while doing different activities. They then flex to the song that loops in the background called “Hard” by No Jumper featuring Tay K and Blacboy JB.
The person making the Tik Tok flexes to the rhythm of the song and every time the song says “Hard” they flex in different parts of the school. This Tik Tok illustrates the struggle of being a student and exclaiming that school truly is very hard.
8. And it went like…
This Tik Tok can either be super cute and aesthetically pleasing or completely backfire and be totally meme-worthy. This Tik Tok is documenting a first-time experience or an adventure. Depending on how the experience goes the transition later on the video may change.
For a very good experience, say its the person’s first time driving a car. The whole Tik Tok has very ambient music and the transition is the person driving to the beach and having a very cute beach day with their friends.
For a very bad experience, the Tik Tok can be the person’s first time at a Frat party. The transition to the video, instead of cute music, is a whole distorted sound of recorders trying to play a song. This distorted noise is followed by a compilation of that person making a fool out of themselves at the party due to having one too many drinks.
These Tik Toks truly like to create out first-time experiences as comedic or unrealistically smooth. It can allow you to connect to the first time fail and laugh about it, or try to have as smooth and cute first time experience as this person on Tik Tok.
9. Promiscuous
This Tik Tok displays the distinction of fantasy that goes in your brain to how it actually looks like in the world. You have your AirPods in and to other people who aren’t listening to your music they just see you as a person walking down the street with AirPods in.
Inside your head, you think you look like a badass and you look real fine. That moment when you are re-enacting what you think you look like to others the song “Promiscuous” by Nelly Furtado plays in the background.
A funny way of distinguishing your fantasy from reality.
10. Do it Yourself
Have fun with it Tik Tok wouldn’t be funny without any original content. Whether it is a funny scenario or the Renegade, it all contributes to relatability.
Tik Tok has truly taken over our social life. It brings comfort and reliability to our own lives. We hope these Tik Toks bring comfort and make you feel less alone in the struggles of adulting.
Are any of these your favorite Tik Toks? Which one is the most relatable to your own life?
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/678354762608548744/
Journalism Major California State University Dominguez Hills