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10 Top Travel Essentials You Need On You Next Trip

10 Top Travel Essentials You Need On You Next Trip

Traveling is something most everyone enjoys, however, we want to be as comfortable as we can when traveling to a new place. Whether it’s in transit to wherever you’re going or during your days spent there. There are some things that we just cannot travel without and most of them will help for a smoother and more comfortable experience. Here are some top travel essentials for your next trip.

1. Reusable Water Bottle

This is one of the top travel essentials you need for traveling! When flying in an airplane, your skin and body become extremely dehydrated and dry. By bringing a reusable water bottle you’ll always have water on hand wherever you are.

Airports conveniently have water fill-up stations around so you have access to free water. This is so great as the costs of airport food and merchandise is a bit too pricey if you ask me — unless it’s a must.


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2. Moisturizer/Lotion

Having a moisturizer or lotion with you during your travels is a necessity! Like I mentioned before, hydration is extremely important when traveling! Be sure to apply before a flight and keep these handy just in case you start to feel a bit dry on longer flights.

Replenish as much as you need to. Having these with you is great for colder and drier climates as well. Being a tropics girl, my skin has a very hard time adjusting to drier and colder weather so I always make sure to bring a travel size lotion with me, and I’ll even buy a full size for my trips of longer stays.


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3. Snacks

I don’t know about you, but I love to snack when I’m traveling. This is a way to keep you from those “hangry” moods and to help you in saving some money. Let’s be honest, the prices at airports are not budget-friendly, but packing a few snacks from home is!


You can even pack snacks for your traveling day trips once you get to wherever you’re going. This is perfect for a long drive to a certain destination. You can avoid having to stop for a snack along the way and save time and money! You can never go wrong with snacks!

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4. Travel Pillow/Eye Mask

These two things are top travel essentials if you want a comfortable flight and if you want to get some sleep. Travel neck pillows will save you the hassle of getting into a comfortable position and risk straining your neck. You can get these off Amazon for really great prices!

Having an eye mask with you is a game-changer when it comes to red-eye flights or any flight in general for getting some shut-eye. Eye masks cut out any light, making it easier for you to sleep. Pair this with your neck pillow and a pair of headphones, and you’ll knock out!


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5. Headphones

Headphones for travel are a must-have, no ‘but’s about it! You can limit all the distracting background noise, making it easier for you if you need to rest or even work during your flight. You can use these to watch movies or play games if the flight provides seat entertainment.

You can listen to your music, podcasts, audiobooks, and so much more to pass the time during your flight. Having headphones with you can make your travel much more exciting rather than sitting with nothing to do.


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6. Portable Charger

Portable chargers are top travel essentials to always ensure that your needed devices have power. This is crucial when traveling out of the country and you’re in need of your phone but don’t have a way of plugging in.


When I traveled to Utah, I was camping with no access to power and needed one of my devices. I had my portable charger to plug into, which was a lifesaver! These are also perfect for keeping your devices charged to make sure you can access directions through Maps, or maybe you want to take photos, or even need translating!

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7. Reading Material

If you love to read like myself, bringing something to read is essential to pass the time on a flight, road trip, or commute. Flights sometimes provide magazines, but let’s be real, they aren’t always the best reads.

Make sure to pack your favorite book, magazine, or even an eReader for more options. Personally, I like reading actual books but anything to help pass time is a plus!


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8. Passport/Travel Documents

These are probably the top travel essentials you’ll ever need, especially if you’re crossing borders. Make sure to always keep track of where you put these, as losing these can lead to major issues with travel.


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9. Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is so important for preventing the contraction of illnesses. Millions of people probably travel the same route you’re on and it’s amazing to think of how many people have touched something you’ve just touched.


Call me a neat freak, but it’s better to be safe than sorry and dodge getting sick on your vacation. That’s the last thing you need nor want! Keeping a small clip-on hand sanitizer works best for on the go. You can quick squirt a couple drops into your hands and you’re good to go!

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10. First Aid

This may not be the first thing that comes to your mind as one of the top travel essentials, but trust me, it’s great to have! First aid kits can come in handy if you’re in need of Band-Aids, tissues, or even Tylenol for those pesky random headaches.

If you’re going on a trip that involves hiking or camping, I highly recommend packing at least a small first aid kit. I went on a hiking trip with a friend, and clumsy me, I took a pretty bad spill. Luckily, we brought a first aid kit! You cannot go wrong with packing one of these!


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We’ve all had those moments of realization where we forgot something we should have brought or we brought it and are so glad we did. What are some of the top travel essentials you bring on trips? Comment below!

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