Categories: Food & Drink

Top 10 Tasty Summer Foods To Bring Out At Your Next BBQ

Summer foods alongside a BBQ are appealing just for the connections people form between these two topics. But wouldn’t you like to have the tastiest summer foods at your BBQ? Here’s your top 10 list of tasty summer foods to make your BBQ amazing and make your guests envious of your good taste.

1)  BBQ Chicken Legs

Nothing says summer foods like throwing together some chicken legs in your own personal BBQ sauce. Now, of course, you don’t have to make your sauce from scratch, but that’s really what’s going to make people want to come back to your BBQs over and over again. Plus, chicken legs are an easy fix in terms of prep work and are generally liked by most, if not all, meat-eaters. Gauge the reaction of your guests the first time you prep this delicious summer food and see what you might be able to add to that BBQ sauce to send that taste into the stratosphere of deliciousness.

2) Chipotle Dry Ribs

Now when someone thinks of BBQ, a lot of the time they think of the typical BBQ sauce. But summer foods and BBQs, in general, don’t always have to be swimming in barbeque sauce. People often tend to sleep on the dry rubs when it comes to ribs for grilling. People often worry that the meat will dry out and the lack of sauce will make the food unappetizing for the plethora of guests at their get-together, but in all reality, dry rubs, like chipotle style, can be unbelievably tender and have tons of flavor, you just have to give them a chance.

3) Homemade Sauce Ribs

The first verse is the same as the… third? You better believe it! Summer foods don’t have to be overly complicated to be good! Once you’ve given the chicken wings a try with your new and improved house-made BBQ sauce, start trying to do the same for your ribs as well! You’ll be amazed when you start mixing flavors and spices together that they tend to start working for any cut of meat, usually at least. Throw some ribs on and wow your guests with your own personal take on the sauce that is so prevalent with BBQs.

4) Fajita Kebabs

Summer foods on a stick? Yeah, I don’t know either, but it makes them better. Fajita kebabs bring a little Mexican flair into your backyard BBQ, with a flavor profile that is right as rain going alongside the sweet heat of typical BBQ sauces. Plus, this particular idea gives you room to then branch out and figure out what other summer foods you like on a stick.

5) Stuffed Cheese Burgers

Cheeseburgers shouldn’t be messed with. That is a term I was often told growing up by family members and close friends, but to them, I often say, “why not simply make it more literal?” Thus far, I have not gotten a negative response to that inquiry. Actually filling your burgers with cheese before you grill them leads to an even cheesier outcome with your cheeseburgers which is bound to please all guests who call themselves a fan of the original food. Plus, you can get really creative and melt different kinds of cheeses on top and inside of your burgers to give it an even crazier kind of appeal.

6) Bacon-Wrapped Burgers

Bacon with summer foods? Bacon in general? Need I say more? Seriously though, if you’re a fan of burgers, adding bacon to them or wrapping them in the delectable meat can be a home run for your backyard BBQ. Bacon is a well-known additive to burgers, but usually just as that: an additive. When you actually take the time to wrap your burgers in bacon and grill them to perfection, you get a masterpiece. The bacon adds an even richer profile to the beef when done this way and allows for eaters to get a bite of bacon with just about every mouthful.

7) Fair Style Turkey Legs

If we’re talking Disney or some country fair out in the middle of nowhere, they both house some amazing options for summer foods. But one food that dwarfs the other options are those big turkey legs covered in a sauce that you see people carrying around. Turns out, much to my surprise, they really aren’t that hard to recreate. Once you find a local butchery or superstores that sell the legs themselves, its really just a matter of punching in the recipe online and rolling with it on your grill or other preferred means of cooking.

See Also

8) Jack Daniels Grilled Steak

Now when it comes to alcohol in the summertime, I tend to often think of beer or fruity/sweet cocktails to go alongside backyard BBQs. But it turns out that Jack Daniels actually comes to the scene to make Summer Foods taste even better. Marinating a steak in Jack Daniels sounded incredibly weird to me at first. But it turns out that after you dump in your usual seasonings with it and slow cook some of that booze off of the meat on the grill, you get some kind of wonderful kick in your steak.

9) Tequila Lime Grilled Chicken

Same as with the last summer foods option, adding booze to chicken sounds a bit strange off the initial portrayal of the dish. But giving some chicken a marinade in tequila with some typical compatriots such as lime and a bit of salt, really adds to the overall flavor of this grilling time favorite. Don’t knock it until you try it and be sure to use a quality tequila when you try to recreate this addition to the summer foods menu. It really can make all the difference.

10) Shrimp Boil Kebabs

Again, more food on a stick. For whatever reason, it just has this charm about it that is so hard to ignore when it comes to summer foods. Plus if you’re a fan of sprinkling some Old Bay on some foods and really getting that southern boil vibe going on with your grill, then this recipe is for you. Its never too late to try adding something like this to your backyard BBQ recipe list as its simple, tasty, and makes it easier to eat than a usual boil type meal where the feed has to be dumped out on a table or fished out with plates.

What did you think of this list? Have any other honorable mentions to throw in? Let us know in the comments below what really spoke to your taste buds in this list.

Bryan Jack

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