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Top Simple Ways To Incorporate Exercise In The Workplace

Top Simple Ways To Incorporate Exercise In The Workplace

Trying to fit in exercise in your already busy day can be difficult but incorporating small and simple exercises in the workplace is a lot easier than you think. Exercising while you are at work can help release endorphins and help your productivity throughout the day. Here are our top simple ways to incorporate exercise in the workplace. 

1. Commute – bike/walk

Start your day off by riding a bike to work or if you are close enough, walk to work. If this isn’t possible, take public transport and get off a couple of stops early and walk the rest of the way to work.

You might want to car share every now and again in which case, arrange a meeting point which you can walk to. By being more active in your commute, you’ll feel more energised and you will probably burn off some calories from your breakfast.


2. Take the stairs

This is a great exercise to do in the workplace and one that you probably overlook a lot. Don’t be lazy by taking the lift, take the stairs instead. You don’t have to run up the stairs or even powerwalk, you can take it easy and take your time (although if you’re late for a meeting, it’s probably best you run).


3. Leg stretches

Doing leg stretches means you can do this at your desk and no one will be able to see. This is another great exercise to do in the workplace as you may spend a lot of your time sat at your desk all day. 

Leg stretches will mean you are ensuring there is enough blood circulation in your legs and helps reduce the possibility of you getting leg cramp. 

4. Finger/arm stretches

You might already be exercising your fingers and arms when you’re typing away at your desk or when you need to reach for the phone.


Take a break from it every now and again by stretching out your fingers or squeezing a stress ball. This easy exercise you can do in the workplace can help release the tension in your fingers and arms.

5. Walk wherever you can

Walk this way, talk this way. Take any opportunity you can to get out of your seat and walk around. If you need to ask a colleague something, don’t just email them or pick up the phone.

Go out of your way to actually ask them in person. This will not only mean you have managed to break the chains of your desk but it will also help build up the interaction and relationship with your colleagues.


Get up and pick up your documents from the printer or grab a glass of water. Constantly move around and be on the go – although this is a small exercise you can do in the workplace, your efforts will all add up in the end.

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6. Go out to buy lunch

So many people just sit at their desk to eat their lunch – don’t be one of them! Saw that cute little eatery on your way to work? Why not go out on your lunch break and grab some food from there?

You’ll be able to get some fresh air rather than being stuck in a stuffy office. You spend the majority of your working day in your office so your lunch break will be your chance to get some proper fresh air. You’ll be able to try out new food and you can walk off the calories on your way back to the office.


7. Go the long way 

Instead of taking the shortcut, take the long way to get to where you need to be. This could mean going to the bathroom on another floor or taking the stairs.

This can help boost your energy throughout your day and can help wake you up if you are feeling tired.

8. Pace around when you’re on the phone

This is a great exercise that a lot of people probably do in the workplace. Pace around when you’re on the phone and stretch your legs out. This exercise means you’ll be exercising your body as well as your mouth!


Which of these simple ways to incorporate exercise in the workplace is your favourite? Tell us in the comments below!

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