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Top 10 Places To Hookup At Mizzou

When you are in college, it can be difficult to find places to be alone with your partner. Sexiling your roommate all the time can be awkward and might annoy them. So here is a list of top 10 places to hookup at Mizzou!

1. Ellis Library!

This is one of those places that’s already in your bucket list coming in to college. You know you gotta hook up between those bookshelves, trying to be as quiet as possible. Sneaking around is always hot, and you get a rebellious vibe out of it.


2. Sand volleyball court.

If you can’t go to the beach, bring the beach to you. This is perfect for a late night make out session. And afterwards you and your partner can cuddle on the sand, or even build a sandcastle!



3. The quad!

This place at sunset just gives you all the feels. You can take it one step further and make a mini date out of it. Just grab a blanket, some food and headphones. Afterwards, make out and enjoy the sunset. So romantic *melts*

4. The basement of a frat house.

I think we have all established by now how loud those dance floors can be. It doesn’t matter if you are already seeing someone from that frat or you just met him, there’s nothing wrong with looking for a quiet place to have a nice (drunk) conversation and make out every two minutes.

5. Study lounges in the dorms.

Need a little study break? Take it. However, if you don’t wanna get too off-track, just set up a schedule and allow yourselves to only “canoodle” after every productive 30 minutes of work. There, studying just got a lot more fun. Positive reinforcement guys – it’s all really about the psychology.

6. A parking lot.

This works best on game day Saturdays. Once everyone’s done tailgating, they are off to the game and you’re mostly like to find the lots empty. So if you or your partner have a car, just blast on some music on the stereo, climb on top of the hood and go at it.



See Also

7. The fountain at the side of the Student Center.

The fountain is gorgeous at night and definitely sets the mood. You and your partner can just sit by it, legs in the water, as you have deep, meaningful conversations and share a series of passionate kisses. Or, one of you can get a bit playful and start a little water splashing contest. One fountain, endless opportunities.

8. The Gathering Place – Mizzou’s own bed and breakfast.

Okay, I had to include this. Obviously this is not somewhere you could go every day, but it makes for a great surprise on a special occasion. It’s on campus, it ensures total privacy, and it lets you take one step further than just making out if you want to. It really is the nicest of all the places to hookup at Mizzou! Plus, it’s a bed and breakfast – can’t get more romantic than this.

9. The Memorial Union.

Go late at night, around 11 pm. Try the side door if the main ones are locked. Walk to the seating area outside Starbucks on the first floor and ta-da! You have got the prettiest building on campus to yourselves to make out at.

10. Tiger Grotto!

HOT TUB. STEAM ROOM. SAUNA. Need I say more?

Where are your favorite places to hookup at Mizzou? Comment below and share the article!
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Tashfia Parvez

Tashfia is a freshman at Mizzou, double majoring in psych and business. She loves shopping, burgers, travelling and movies. She already has a very lengthy bucket list. The show FRIENDS has pretty much consumed her soul.

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