10 Tips You Can Make Your Mornings More Productive

Not everyone is a morning person. The thought of waking up at seven in the morning to get up and workout or start on any task seems painful to most people. However, getting a productive start to your morning will overtime help you become a more productive and organised person throughout the rest of your day. There are many simple tips and tricks you can implement into your morning routine to help you start your day right. Adding any of these tips into your morning can help you get the most out of your day.
Prep Your Day The Evening Before
This is an easy way for you to get up and have everything you need to start your day. Whether that is doing your meal prep ahead of time, setting your outfit out, or packing your bag for work, try to make as many decisions ahead of time as possible to help take any stressful choices out of your morning. This will also help you be more prepared for your day in general, and you can prioritize any tasks you can’t get done the night before.
Make Yourself A Real Breakfast
One of the many keys to having a productive morning is fueling your body with healthy and long-lasting energy. Yes, this means ditching your sugary cereal and low calorie granola bars. Make yourself a breakfast that you’ll enjoy eating. Make sure that you’re fueling your body with plenty of protein and vitamins to keep you full for longer. Try making yourself a protein shake, eggs with spinach and avocado, or plain yogurt with fruit and honey. All three of these options are very easy to make and are packed with all the nutrients you need to get your day started right.
No Screen Time Until Breakfast
We’ve all had those mornings where we’re just laying in bed after our alarm goes off just scrolling aimlessly through Instagram and TikTok, eating away at valuable time in the morning. To prevent this from happening, set a goal for yourself to not look at your phone or any screens until you’re sitting down for breakfast and you’re nearly ready to go for the day. This will help you minimize any distractions and will help you accomplish more in your morning routine.
Avoid Sleeping In
One of the easiest ways to waste valuable time in the morning is by sleeping through it. I know we all love sleeping in, but it’s much better in the long run to have an early sleep schedule. By waking up even just an hour earlier than you normally do, you’re saving yourself valuable time to make yourself a good breakfast, take a shower, or even get a little extra work done. Set a goal for when you want to wake up and slowly start setting your alarm earlier to ease yourself into the early morning lifestyle.
Get Moving
If you’re constantly feeling exhausted in the morning, exercising right after you wake up could be a good solution. Whether you’re doing some morning yoga, going for a 10 minute jog around the block, or doing your complete workout, your morning exercise routine will help you get your energy levels up, and will also ensure that you get your daily exercise done.
Shower Right After You Wake Up
If you’re having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, try to save your showers for the morning and schedule to have them right after you get out of bed. When you shower first thig in the morning, the water will help wake you up, and it will also keep your body warm after getting out of your warm bed and pajamas. Showering before anything else will ensure that you start the day off with a clean slate and you won’t have to worry about greasy hair or hygiene all day.
Set Goals For The Day
One of the best ways to ensure that you get everything done in the morning is to set realistic goals for yourself. When thinking about what goals you should set, consider what you normally do in the morning and what is a reasonable thing to expect yourself to do in the morning. Make sure they aren’t ridiculous and keep them simple and attainable. Write them down and turn them into a checklist so you can check your progress throughout the morning. This will help you stay on track and help you feel accomplished throughout the day.
Reward Yourself For Getting Out Of Bed
After unenthusiastically getting out of bed early in the morning, you want something to make all of that effort feel worth it. To help keep yourself motivated to keep waking up early in the morning, make sure you find some way to reward yourself. Whether you make your favorite meal for breakfast, make a trip to Starbucks, or do a relaxing face mask, find some way to treat yourself and keep your mood up.
Drink Some Lemon Water
Before you grab your first caffeine dosage of the day through a cup of coffee or tea, drink a glass of lemon water. This will give your body a burst of hydration and will also give you a bit of non caffeinated energy. Lemon infused water gives you steady, natural energy that lasts the whole day by improving the nutrient absorption in your stomach. Drink your lemon water first thing in the morning, when you’re on an empty stomach, to ensure the best results.
Set Times For Your Goals For The Day
In order to ensure that you accomplish everything you set out to do in your morning and in the rest of your day, assign some loose deadlines to your goals. Aim to get a task done in a certain amount of time and check in consistently to track your progress. This will help you stay motivated and ensure you get everything done.
Staying motivated and productive in the morning can be difficult if you’re just lying in bed all day. Implementing any of these tricks into your morning routine can help you get the most of the early hours of the morning.
Lara Hill is a senior Public Relations major at Emerson College from Groton, Massachusetts. She has contributed to several college publications, holding multiple editing positions and focusing mainly on sports journalism. When she is not in class or writing, she loves to sail, watch sports with her friends and family, sing with her sisters, and play with her dog, Cassie.