7 Tips When You’re Sick Of The Single Life

Let’s be honest: being single sucks. I mean, you have freedom and all that jazz but what’s life if you have no one to share it with? In an article written by Huffington Post’s Carol Morgan, she wants you to know that if you’re upset with being single there are a few things you should know. So here are 7 tips when you’re sick of the single life.
1. Things can change. And they will.
You aren’t going to be stuck in the single life forever. The only way that could happen is if you want that because in this life we get what we want and if you want someone to love, they are out there ready to be with someone as fantastic as you.
2. Have high standards.
Never settle. Even if it seems like this person is the best you’ll ever get despite them not fulfilling your wants and needs. There is someone in this world that can match you on a whole different level and you’ll be so happy for making the choice not to settle.
3. Use this time to learn about yourself.
This is the perfect time to spend with yourself. Bettering yourself will not only lead you on a path to self love but it’ll make you realize what you truly want in a relationship and how you should be treated.
4. Don’t chase anyone.
There was a guy who I started seeing. We would see each other from time to time but it wasn’t a relationship at all. It was strictly physical. I was so naive I thought it would turn into something real. He only answered me when he felt like it. I texted him so much it turned into straight up chasing. Not my best moment in my dating history.
The fact of the matter is no one should be chasing anybody. It’s desperate and if a person wants to be with you, there’s no need for a chase.
5. There are still good people out there.
Yeah, you’ve had your heart broken, but that doesn’t mean you should swear off love forever. You would just be doing yourself a disservice. It feels safe to just be by yourself. And if you truly want that then by all means enjoy the single life. However, if deep down you want a romantic relationship, then there are people out there who want to be in a relationship with a fantastic person like you.
6. You need to love yourself the way you want to be loved by a partner.
In the words of RuPaul:
7. Be patient.
I think we’ve equated being alone with being lonely and no one wants to be lonely. Also, our society looks down on single people, treating them like they have the plague. Even your own family pressures you to have a partner, and if you don’t, they think something’s wrong with you.
Despite all this, there is no need to rush to be with someone. This can lead to you being with the wrong person. and that can lead to true unhappiness. You must enjoy the time you have with or without someone.
In Conclusion
All of these things are true. It’s not your fault if you see a happy couple and get a little jealous, it’s understandable, you want that. You want someone to share your secrets with, your good times and bad. But what we fail to realize is that out of the desperation to try and become one with another human being and break away from the single life, we forget that the relationship with ourselves is above everything else.