12 Tips To Making Social Media “PG” Enough For Employers

Our Social Media sites were generally created to be fun and lighthearted. But with more and more potential employers scoping out our social feeds, and looking to the internet for some intel on who we really are it may be time to tidy up our feeds juuuust a little. Here are a few easy tips to make your Social Media feed “PG” enough for future employers.
Ditch the Party Posts
While all of your frat boy friends will be impressed with the one minute keg stand video you posted last weekend, future employers probably won’t feel the same way. Posting an onslaught of party pics on your Social Media sites can make you seem a little unprofessional. We’re not saying you need to stop the fun all together, maybe just think twice before you post it online if your searching for a job.
Try to Keep the Skin Baring To A Minimum
When potential employers are looking on your feed and see a little more then they were planning to, it may hinder your chances at getting that interview. A lot of times people like to copy Social Media influencers who aren’t afraid to bare it all, but in a more traditional job or job search that may not be the way to go.
Don’t Be Afraid to Showcase Your Work
If you have a side hustle, or have been putting in some quality work in your classes, by all means post that! Post links to all your work or post pictures of you winning a class contest. Employers will be impressed with the initiative that you have and can get a sense of your work ethic through your previous projects.
Delete Your Lewd Memes
On an average day on our Social Media feeds we are seeing endless amounts of memes. They just don’t stop! People are inventing new ones, reposting old ones, it is an infinite cycle. And often times, the most raunchy memes are also the funniest! We get it! But a potential employer may not. Try leaving the dirty or lewd memes for your friend group chats, they’ll be just as funny there!
Post Pictures Of Volunteer Work
If you’ve already got a pretty nice volunteer schedule going keep it up, it’s awesome that you’re doing it! But don’t be afraid to snap a pic of you with that cute rescue pup, or manning the water booth at a charity marathon. Employers will love that you dedicate your time to a worthy cause, it shows compassion and kindness.
Minimize The PDA
We get it, your significant other is hot! And you’re in love! But maybe that picture of you fully mounting your partner is a bit too intense for possible future employers. We aren’t prudes here, but potential employers might be.
Doing Drugs? Keep It Off Your Site
Certain progressive states maybe a little more lax with this one, so if your looking for a job in places where the green is legal, you might be able to get away with some smoking posts. If you’re not, it’s best not to post anything dealing with weed or any other drug. Most employers frown on illegal behavior.
Don’t Go Into Selfie Overload
Selfies and Social Media go together like rum and coke! But if every other post is a selfie, it can start to seem like you’re a little self involved. You don’t have to stop the selfies all together, if you’re feeling yourself then by all means snap that pic! But just try to mix it up with something other than your #ootd.
Post Pictures With Family
Does anything say Social Media rated “G” more than a good clean family photo? Forget “PG” family photos tend to equal pure virtuous gold. Capitalize on that! Don’t be afraid to post pics of your little brother winning his soccer tournament, or your annual Christmas Eve bash (before everyone gets trashed). Having a strong connection with your family usually means you play well with others, a quality most employers admire.
Pet Posts Are A Must
If you thought family pictures were golden, then break out your pets and get to posting! If you’ve got a special bond with your furry friend, showcase it to the world. Caring for a pet takes lots of patience, love, and a level of selflessness that any employer would admire. Plus they’re just so darn cute to look at!
Keep Up With Your Fitness Posts
If you’re into fitness and like to post about your workouts, keep at it! Being passionately committed to a fitness regime is another awesome sign to potential employers. It shows that your showing up for yourself regularly and aren’t afraid of a little hard work.
Remember to Have Fun
It’s important to remember to always be yourself on your Social Media sites. You don’t want to loose yourself in the process of your job search or try to appear like the perfect specimen so you can impress potential employers. Be yourself! Don’t forget to have fun with your Social sites, whoever said “PG” wasn’t any fun clearly never saw Frozen!