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7 Tips To Improve Your Self Esteem

7 Tips To Improve Your Self Esteem

7 Tips To Improve Your Self Esteem

I wish everyone in the world had high self esteem. Everyone would be happier and I’m pretty sure they would be nicer to each other too. However, sometimes our self esteem takes a nosedive, and that’s ok. If yours isn’t at its highest, here are 7 tips to improve your self esteem.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

Why are you comparing yourself to others? Who in their right mind told you that was ok? It’s not! So what if she seems like she has it all together. You have to focus on your journey and stop worrying about what other seem to have. If you compare yourself to others your sense of self worth will always be lower than dirt.

I used to be guilty of doing this. My friend had a car, a relationship, and a job. I had one out of those three, and it was a really crappy job. I drove myself crazy because I kept asking why I couldn’t have the things she had. It was a rough time for me in life. I was so jealous and negative and comparing my life to hers depleted my self esteem.


Quit Beating Yourself Up, No One’s Perfect

We all make mistakes in life, but you want to know the real tragedy, beating ourselves up over them. What’s the point of treating the slightest infraction like the biggest mistake mankind has ever seen? Why are we our own greatest critics when it doesn’t bring any good to us whatsoever? When we beat ourselves up, it turns into a cycle and it eats away at our self esteem until it’s as low as can be.

Be Kind To Yourself

Remember how I said we are our own greatest critics? How about we be our own greatest cheerleaders? The truth is, we need to be kinder to ourselves. I’m not just talking about the way we look, I’m talking about the way we view ourselves as a whole.

Celebrate The Little Things

Listen, I am a firm believer in celebrating the little things in life. Did you get out of the bed today? Did you take a shower and put effort into your appearance? Did you make it to work on time kick ass at your job? If you answered yes to any one of these questions, you’re a damn rockstar. Do you know hard it is for some people to do even the smallest, most basic tasks? The fact that you did these should be celebrated.

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Loneliness in college is common. Here are some tips on beating loneliness in college. These college tips will help with depression too.

Surround Yourself With Positive, Supportive People

Here’s an idea, let’s grab all the negative people in your life and hang out with them. Sounds like a bad idea right, that’s because it is. You are the company you keep. If you hang around negative people it will affect your self esteem. However, if you hang around positive, supportive people, you can’t go wrong. Also, positive people are more fun to be around anyways.

Do What Makes You Happy

You know what’s fun, doing things that make you happy. Do you like knitting? Do it! Do you like writing writing? Write those stories! Do you know why I’m encouraging you to do things you love, because when you do them, and even better, when you accomplish them, you feel like a million dollars. That indescribable furling you get, that’s your self esteem building.



Okay, I hate exercising, but those endorphins that make you happy like Elle Woods claims, they’re real. I went to a kickboxing class one time and although it sucked, I felt so accomplished and energized. It really paid off!

What are sometimes that you should be on this list? Let us know in the comments below!

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