10 Tips That Will Help You Revamp Your Fall Wardrobe

The end of summer is rapidly approaching (don’t remind me, I’m in my emo feels); and with that, comes fall, a glorious time of pumpkin-spiced everything, beautiful views, and the highly anticipated seasonal style trends. There’s a bunch of content out there that covers fall looks to don; what we really need though is tips on how to revamp the wardrobe, not just for the obvious, temperature change, but for keeping up with the changing fashion landscape without going completely broke. Luckily for you, I’ve gathered insight over the years from personal experience and fashion fails. Keep reading if you’re into solid advice that can better your life, and more importantly, your personal style.
1. Bulk Up on Accessories
Maybe I’m biased, growing up in a householdwhere earrings were your currency, but accessories unarguably make or break outfits and seasonal wardrobes. From earrings and bracelets, to necklaces, headbands, and scarves, unique add-ons bring flair and zest to even the most mundane of clothing, like a Hane’s tee, or a decade-old pair of light-washed denim jeans. That’s why it’s crucial for you to collect all the accessories you want; not only are they usually dirt cheap, but you can buy them virtually everywhere. My go-to places are Forever21 and Francesca’s, but you can even go to your local Walgreen’s (or mom’s closet) to get started.
2. Invest in Staples
Pay the extra buck for all the Staple pieces you want and need in your fall wardrobe, like the wrap dress and sexy, sleek black heels; these items are timeless, never fading nor eluding from universal public approval and for good reason: staples go with absolutely everything. Trends change daily, and fashion is a never-ending revolving door of “the nows’ and “the has-beens;” when your favorite item that’s “in” as of now, eventually morphs into a “has-been,” you’ll want to fall back on the staples that will never leave your closet. What perceive as a staple, is entirely up to you; but me personally, I have had the same black booties, black jeans, white sweater, and regular-wash jeans for years.
3. Go Basic and Then Work Your Way Up
The struggle is REAL when it comes to creating personal style and revamping your wardrobe. To simplify the process, start from scratch: no need to buy a million in one flashy, bold pieces at once. In this case, simple is better and far less overwhelming. Need a generic grey sweater? Get it. How about some chestnut booties that will match the changing leaves? Swipe that credit card. Once you start small, you’ll be able to build up, expand, and evolve your wardrobe into a reflection of your identity. For basics, I’d invest and go above your comfortable price point, since you won’t want these items to tarnish within three months.
4. Stay Inspired
Like all creative pursuits, a fall wardrobe isn’t put together out of thin air: yours should be rooted in what inspires you; what you find cool, aspirational, and empowering. The best way to do this is to follow social media accounts that provide an endless stream of content, so you can be productive while mindlessly strolling throughout your day. You should focus on Tumblr, Instagram, and Pinterest as these are obviously more visual platforms compared to Twitter, the land of memes, and Facebook, the island of “Happy Birthday” posts and mom’s rambling statuses.
5. Challenge Yourself
Be on the fringes with your fall wardrobe. Get out of your comfort zone and transcend your personal limitations. The greatest outfits require an element of risk, charisma, and personality; so the next time you believe you’re not meant to wear a certain skirt, buy it anyway. Then, try it on, walk around the house and take some pictures. Allow yourself to feel good about yourself; to feel confident, bold, and content with your new direction.
6. Choose Garments That Make You Feel Comfortable
On the contrary, always remember that every item in your fall wardrobe must help you feel like the best, most comfortable and authentic version of yourself. Sure, self-comfort comes from within; however, your outfits undoubtedly contribute to how you feel. You want to be able to take on the day with ease, and without worry that something is see-through, poor in quality, does too much or too little, so on and so forth. You’re the only one who lives in your body: make sure to treat yourself with the utmost respect; and make sure your wardrobe does the same.
7. Ask Your Network for Advice
It will take an army to revamp your fall wardrobe, so do not hesitate to reach out for pointers, tips and tricks. People have an arsenal of different experiences, values and thinking than you do; and you can most certainly leverage that for your benefit. For fashion advice, I go to my mom, and eight times out of ten, she bestows wisdom that’s both useful and revered by onlookers. During my undergrad years, I would always go to my peers, since Marist is predominantly a fashion school and my friends have impeccable style. Now, I still rely on my circle from time to time, especially whenever I’m seeking an opinion or two. It never hurts to lean on someone and chances are, whoever you ask is more than happy to help.
8. Be On Top of All The Deals
When you’re revamping your fall wardrobe, keep in mind of all the ongoing sales and deals. If you’re anything like me, you’re absolutely broke, afraid to check your checkings and savings accounts, and unable to ball out on new clothes whenever you feel like it. Be fiscally responsible and in the know: articles are published daily that detail the latest and greatest sales at your favorite stores. Again, this is also a prime opportunity to ask around your network and see if they know anything. I’ve found out about the best sales on Kate Spade specifically this way.
9. Discard The Old Stuff
Out with the old, in with the new this season. Everyone has that one (or more) sweater that has been rotting in the closet for years; the one that should’ve been discarded years ago, yet continues to waste and take up space. This fall, you’re must maximize all the room you have for new purchases, and get rid of what is no longer serving you. Make a Poshmark account, turn on old articles of clothing at thrift stores for profit, or find places where you can offer donations. You’ll feel less overwhelmed and good about taking this kind of initiative.
10. Don’t Get Discouraged, Have Fun
Last, but certainly not least, let go and have fun. Revamping your fall wardrobe is an exciting journey that should not bring on trepidation, anxiety, havoc and stress. Change your mindset and see this as an encouraging activity; revel in this creative pursuit. Channel in your inner-child and act as if you’re playing a long overdue game of dress up. This is your wardrobe and your style we’re talking about: enjoy every minute of this process.
Have any additional tips? Comment below your best advice and don’t forget to share with your friends.
Featured image: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10213147831385867&set=a.10212786882522371&type=3&theater
I'm Dom, and I believe life's most simple pleasures are Chipotle, a good eyeshadow palette, and a group-chat worthy meme.