20 Tips That Will Guarantee You Succeed In Life

By the looks of it, you seem to have either a phone, computer, tablet, or any piece of technology in order to see this. So just by that, you are rich. YES RICH!!! You don’t only have to be rich by definition having a lot of money but by other things like… well here’s a list of how to succeed in life.
1. Surrounded by loving people.
One of the major signs of being rich but not in money is having people around you that love you. Money and objects aren’t always the ideal and center of being rich, it also means having an abundance of love that makes a person rich. If you have this well, you’re a millionaire!
2. Having your own cast of Friends.
It always seems nice to have a Ross, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Monica in your group of friends. If you have this type of group of friends it is a MAJOR sign you are rich. Having friends for life is a blessing in disguise that will not only make you grow as a better person but make you rich in a irreplaceable friendship.
3. Feeling like you’re part of The Last Song with a healthy relationship.
One of the main signs that makes you rich in any and every aspect is having a healthy relationship with your significant other. Having love makes you rich in that aspect, but being in a healthy relationship is like winning the lottery!
4. Happy Family = Happy Life = Richer Life!
Nothing is better than having family beside you. Feeling united and loved by family members is one of the greatest riches of life that will not make you rich in money but as a person.
5. Let’s not only be strong but CONFIDENT.
Being confident is a big sign you are rich and will lead you to great success down the line. Having a positive mind-set can not only lead you to living a healthy life but make you rich and not only in money.
6. With Confidence comes Style.
Having your own taste in clothes whether it’s pop colors, patterns, graphic tees, casual, or dressy, your sense of style is what makes part of you who you are. It also becomes a big sign that you are rich, yes you! Be your confident self!
7. Hit the books!
Education plays a major role in a person’s life and if you are a person that is either in high school or college, it is a MAJOR SIGN you are rich! You will not only be rich now but in the future become successful in any career you choose or chose to pursue.
8. Only a text or call away.
Having the ways to communicate with people in today’s world is a mayor sign you are rich. Whether it’s a text, a call, a direct message, or a Snapchat, having communication with other people give you a stress-free life, knowledge, connections, and much more. Being rich doesn’t have to mean you have money, it also means you have the ability to communicate with one another and be able to share thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc.
9. Cause I’m happy… I’m rich!!
Yes! If you are a person who loves to smile, wakes up with positive thoughts, and believes you can reach the stars, well then you for sure are rich! You are rich in happiness and the positivity that surrounds you!
10. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
By not only being respectful but receiving respect, it becomes a major sign that you are rich. Having respect from one another let’s you flourish as a good human being and allows richness in one’s life.
11. Forgive, Forget, Forever.
If you are a person who forgives, it is a big sign that you are rich. The reason being, holding a grudge does not make you rich and it does not make you grow as a person. Keeping negative thoughts or moments in life will not let you succeed. Just inhale and exhale, everything will get better.
12. Kill’em with Kindness.
Be kind not wealthy. If you are kind to others and do not wish of anything in exchange, you are rich. If others aren’t kind to you, negativity is not the answer but killing them with kindness is. Kindness is crucial to succeed in life.
13. One step at a time.
Having patience with one another is a mayor sign you are rich in life. Being able to take things one step at a time without any rush can lead you to have a calm and stress-free life.
14. Compassion in a fashion.
Being compassionate is not only a major sign that you are rich but it also says a lot about a person’s lifestyle. Being able to go out of your way and being generous to others means a lot of the type of person you are.
15. “I am an overachiever!”
Just as education plays a major role in one’s life, being an overachiever and doing more than expected will lead you to an abundance of richness in life. If you think it, it can happen and you will succeed in life. This not only makes the list of major signs that you are rich but it also makes a huge impact in your life to become successful.
16. Setting your mind and… GOALLLLL!
In life we should always have a plan, if it’s either short term or long term. Setting your mind to things you wish to pursue and having a goal in life will make you grow as a person full of riches and maybe even with a couple dollars.
17. Putting yourself in others shoes.
Being able to keep an open mind in any and every situation will allow you to be very very rich! This sign lets a person know that they are able to put themselves in other’s shoes, put others first, and be understanding. Empathy will make you succeed in life.
18. Be a care bear!
Whether it’s caring for your family or friends, maybe even the hamster at the pet store, it not only shows you are a good person but you will filled with richness in life. You will succeed in life if you care for others.
19. Helping Hands.
By being helpful whether it’s holding a door, helping another colleague or student study, giving your best friend advice. Whatever it is, if you are this it means you will be filled with richness in life.
20. Conceal don’t FEAR, don’t let them know.
It’s okay to be scared of scary movies, clowns, or dwarfs. But being able to take on life head on and be fearless is the biggest sign that you are super SUPER rich. It’s signs like these that make you rich as a person, not in currency or status. If you want to succeed in life this is what you’ve got to do.