Tips for Students Trying to Find a Summer Job

So we’re now at that point in our lives. We no longer can spend our three month long breaks staying up until 5 am and soaking in the sun. That’s right, it’s time to finally contribute to society. But if you’re like me, you’ve been working since you wanted to save up for the latest Bratz dolls (think babysitting, dish washing, and mowing lawns). That being said, I’ve gathered some tips along the way of trying to find a summer job, and I’m here to share that wealth of knowledge with you!
This week’s questions are all about:
Summer Jobslsesu.
Q: What are some great ways to find a summer job in my area? Either websites or apps?
A: Great question! I’ve been researching apps that help college students search for internships/summer jobs and have come across WayUp. It’s an online database/app that lists all of your skills, previous jobs, etc. You type in the job you’re looking for in the area, the skills you have, and it’s easy as that! You can submit your resume directly from the app/site, or go to the website that inherently listed the job and go from there! Another great part about WayUp is that they email you when a job they think you’d be interested is advertised on their site! I’ve already gotten some emails on camp counselor positions and am so excited to see what other opportunities present themselves in my inbox! This is a blessing to us unmotivated college students, believe me!
Q: What are some job options other than those in the food/restaurant business? I can’t stand the smell of oil everywhere!
A: Sadly, fast food restaurants hire high school/college students because they’re the most inexperienced and will accept the minimum wage pay. Luckily, though, there are many different industries that will hire students and whose work is so better for your sanity (and might even pay more). Try getting a job at a local summer camp (or not-so-local if you want to explore a new area). I can remember my sister coming home from her summers spent as a camp counselor and had so many wonderful stories to share about her time there. AND, it’s actually where she met her husband! Plus you’ll get to be outside all day erryday, and basically get to be a kid again. What’s better than that?
Also, I know for a fact that Farmers Markets are wonderful to work for. One of my best friends absolutely adores working at the Farmer’s Market near us. You get to spend the day outside, assist in picking vegetables/fruits, and get to know people around your community. If you’re not so into the great outdoors, getting a job in retail is a solid option too! During the summers, just about every clothing stores is looking for seasonal help. It usually takes up to two weeks for a company to receive, review, and respond to your application, so be patient! Rome wasn’t built in a day, girl.
Q: What about online jobs? Could those be considered a summer job as well?
A: Absolutely! Online jobs are the equivalent to staying home in your pajamas and livin’ the dream. Sites like and have made it possible to be paid all summer for your skills. You just make an account, fill out your special skills and subjects you’re interested in, and done! You can search for jobs by the hour, week, month, you name it. Some are super easy, others take a bit more time. When I signed up, I got paid just for reviewing a website. Yep, it’s that easy.
It takes time and effort.
Don’t expect to apply to only one job and that be the one you get. It might even take a couple weeks before you start to get some interviews and calls. Start looking now, and be patient!
There’s one rule for using references…
Most companies and businesses require three references before your application can be fully submitted and considered for hiring. Remember this rule: NEVER USE FAMILY OR CLOSE FRIENDS as a reference. Use teachers that you look up to and have made an impression on, a school counselor, a past employer, or a family friend. Make sure you call/text your references and ask if you can use them on applications for summer jobs. They’ll appreciate that a lot more instead of having their phones surprisingly blown up by companies asking how great of a worker you are.
You might have to settle.
If you can’t find a job you are super passionate about or into, you might have to settle for something less than ideal. I know working fast food seems like the lowest of the low, but they actually make decent money and usually there’s some sort of perk involved. Plus you get to learn how to work as a team and gain valuable social skills. If you live near a Sheetz, they pay you above minimum wage AND give you money for your college textbooks. The hours are decent and you get to work for a wonderful company. If that’s not a great summer job then I don’t know what is.
Don’t be afraid to consider relocating.
If this is a possibility for you, the job market opens up quite a bit. One of the best options is camp counselor positions (since there are summer camps literally everywhere) – you get to spend almost all of your time outdoors, explore new ares, and meet new people that could potentially impact the rest of your life.
I know, I know. It’s summer, why do we have to work? Well if you’re like me, Panera and Taco Bell harm your bank account on a weekly basis. Save up some cash for the school year by working now. Trust me, you’ll thank me later. Good luck to ya.
If you’re looking for answers to questions, want us to feature certain topics, or just have suggestions, comment down below and we’ll be sure to give you what you’re looking for!
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Andrea is a freshman at Eastern Mennonite University where she is a dual major in Business Administration and Photography. Her hobbies include making music, running her photography business, laughing, and eating ice cream. She absolutely loves anything that has to do with coffee and blogging and is looking forward to her future articles on srTrends.