10 Tips For The Perfect Tailgate At JMU

IT’S GAME DAY! Fall semester at JMU means football frenzy. On Saturdays, thousands of JMU students, faculty, and fans come out to support our football program at the Bridgeforth Stadium. But much more goes on before the game begins, particularly in parking lots all over campus. Known as tailgating, it is one of America’s greatest past times. Listed below are tips for the perfect tailgate at JMU!
1. Gather your group.
Because going to tailgates is similar to going to parties, make sure all your friends are going together. Don’t be a lone wolf wandering around by herself, I guarantee you will feel awkward.
2. Go all out on the spirit wear.
Bleed purple and yellow! Us dukes take pride in our school, so don’t shy away from the face stickers or silly socks. The more the better.
3. Know the rules of corn hole.
Tailgating and corn hole go hand in hand; be prepared to play! Don’t be afraid if you think you’re not coordinated enough, the game is really easy. A couple of rounds and you’ll get the hang of it.
4. Have a grill going.
If you’re the host of a tailgate, get your burgers and buns ready. Tailgating lasts a while, and you don’t want your guests to get hungry.
5. Music is a must.
This one is obvious; no one wants to hang around without any tunes. For the perfect tailgate at JMU, play classic songs that everyone knows and hit songs that everyone loves to dance to.
6. Be prepared to walk.
A lot of tailgates are hosted at the convo center, which is located on East Campus. It’s definitely an uphill battle to get there, but so worth it.
7. Fee free to venture to other tailgates.
You didn’t put a ring on it…so do feel like you’re required to stay the entire time. Also, you don’t need a personal invitation. Any tailgate will be glad to have you!
8. Drink at a moderate pace!
Don’t go to hard and always keep track of how much you’re drinking because the goal is to make it to the game. You also don’t want to yack in the stands…ew.
9. Tickets and JAC cards are needed!
The worst is when you wait in line and then realize you left these items at home. Keep them in your pocket, and every once in a while check to make sure that they’re still there.
10. Have a good attitude!
Tailgating is the best part about the fall season, so embrace it as much as you can. Get pumped for the game and show your support. Go dukes!