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Tips On How To Avoid The Freshman 15 For All Incoming Students

Tips On How To Avoid The Freshman 15 For All Incoming Students

Tips On How To Avoid The Freshman 15 For All Incoming Students

The Freshman 15 is no joke, in college were all due to gain some weight whether we like it or not. College is definitely a fun experience but its also stressful. With a constant school workload, college students turn to eating to escape their current nightmare of potentially failing a class. Here are some tips on how to avoid the Freshman 15 for all incoming students.

Make Exercising A Daily Habit

Exercising is always a good idea to stay healthy and deal with stress. When it comes to college it’s sometimes hard fitting the gym into your school schedule. However, keep in mind that most college campuses add a gym fee in your tuition. Therefore, since you’re already paying for the gym membership you might as well find the time to utilize it. I recommend waking up early in the morning and heading over for a quick workout. Waking up in the morning builds good habits and allows college students to clear their mind before class. If your a night owl than going to the gym at night is great too. With going to the gym at night you’re bound to meet cool and unique people.

Avoid Using Your Meal Plan Every Day

Meal plans are great for college students who hate cooking. However, meal plans are part of the reason the Freshman 15 exist. Because the food is cooked for you its easier to eat more. The logic is there. If you make your own meals typically your only going to eat the amount you made or save the rest for later. However, the meal plan is similar to a buffet. Students will make second and third rounds. Hints, gaining the freshman 15 and then some. Eat healthy as much as you can.


Try To Get Involved On Campus

When you get involved on campus you will find yourself happier. Happiness is a sign of good health. Therefore, you are less likely to eat based off being lonely. Plus, volunteer work keeps you active and moving.

Areas you should check out is Greek Life, sports, newspaper, activities outside campus, group trips and campus employment. There is so much cool activities students can get involved with that are offered on every campus. You have to seek out new things and that is part of your college journey. In addition, you are bound to meet amazing people. One person just might be your significant other. Try doing something new for once during your college experience.

Calm Down On Your Coffee In-Take

Starbucks is a college student’s version of crack. Let’s face it coffee and your occasional muffin add to the Freshman 15. If Starbucks is your usual workspace try studying somewhere new. You never know maybe you’ll meet new people from a change of scenery. The bookstore is always a good idea, or your student union or recreational center.

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See Yourself In A New Light

The way you see yourself adds to the Freshman 15. If you’re looking at yourself with disgust then expect to treat your body badly. You will consume more food when you’re depressed versus when you’re happy. If you try to live a happy life than you will also try to eat healthier foods.

The Freshman 15 doesn’t have to be the norm of every freshman entering into college. It’s all about the mindset you carry to college with you. Head to college with an open mind, an active personality and confidence seeping from your skin. The Freshman 15 is solely based on stress. Stay positive and you will do okay.

Don’t let the Freshman 15 scare you off from going to college. If you follow these simple steps the Freshman 15 won’t attack you so much. Let us know in the comment section if you experienced the Freshman 15.
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