20 Tips For The Perfect Dorm Room Friendsgiving

Yes, fall literally just got here, but no, it’s not too early to think about Thanksgiving. And even more exciting than THANKSgiving is FRIENDSgiving! Friendsgiving is an adorable little tradition to start with your friends that gives you all an excuse to get together to laugh, tell stories, and stuff your faces. So with that being said, here are 20 tips to hosting the perfect dorm room Friendsgiving!
1. Decorate your room.
Your friends have probably already visited your room a million times, and they know it like the back of their hand. Surprise them with some simple autumn-themed décor, and it’ll shift the get-together to more of a Friendsgiving party rather than just a normal hangout.
2. Make it a potluck.
Invite your friends to bring some food for the party. It’ll take a load off of you, as you already have to be responsible for the other aspects of the Friendsgiving. With a potluck, there will be more variety and it’ll suit some people’s quirky tastes in food.
3. Be prepared for clean up.
Make sure you have lots of paper towels, trash bags, maybe even some sanitizing spray on hand. Sharing food and drinks in a small space is guaranteed to result in a couple of spills (at least).
4. Break out the party games.
Whip out your Cards Against Humanity or Twister and utilize them for your Friendsgiving! No matter how childish games and activities may seem, they’re actually pretty exciting for adults because it’s a nice throwback. Plus, games give you a lot of options when it comes to party activities.
5. Buy some cute party accessories.
There are so many Thanksgiving-themed plates, napkins, cups, etc. at your local Target. This is a cute touch to your party, and though it seems like a minute factor, it really adds to the ambience of the night. Who doesn’t want to wipe their mouths with colorful napkins?
6. Try to keep it small.
Friendsgivings are best when they’re with a small group. Again, you can always turn up with hundreds of friends at any normal party in college, but this is something quaint and special to which you should invite exclusively your squad. Besides, where are you going to fit all those people in one tiny dorm room?
7. Write cards for one another.
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, obviously. Actually celebrate the holiday for what it’s worth by writing each other some cards that show appreciation. Make it a group activity and have people read what they said aloud, embarrassing each other with personal thoughts but having fun and feeling loved altogether.
8. Have a small gift exchange.
It might not be Christmas, but you can still totally exchange gifts! Allot names for a Secret Santa activity or a White Elephant surprise.
9. Turn up the music!
Put your Spotify playlist to use and crank up the speakers at this party. Turn on some music that you all collectively enjoy listening to, and include a few winter tunes to suit the weather and season. This sets the mood of the party, so select your songs carefully.
10. Clean up your room beforehand.
This is a special occasion, and if you want it to seem so, tidy up! Your room should be spotless so that it can maximize space for your guests.
11. Keep trash bags ready.
Parties always equate to messes. Prevent that by having trash bags readied and labeled if you plan to recycle. All that’s left to do at the end of the party is to take those trash bags out, and you’ve succeeded in having a fairly clean party.
12. Make it a sleepover.
If you have a tiny group for the Friendsgiving party, a sleepover is ideal. You have all night to eat and talk about deep matters such as what you guys love about each other. Talk about a group dynamic.
13. Try to have more baked goods than snacks.
It’s fall, and especially as it comes closer to Thanksgiving, it’s the season of baking cookies and sweets. If you have access to such utilities, use them by all means to bake up some goodies. College students have had enough with snacks, so put the 32-pack of Hot Cheetos away and bring on the deep dishes.
14. Keep the heat down.
You might think turning on the heater would be a good idea since it’s really cold during the winter months. However, it’ll only make it stuffier, especially with so many bodies cramped together in one room. It’ll be like entering a car on a hot summer day – an unbearable condition to breathe in, more or less have a party in.
15. Don’t “Netflix and chill” together.
This is just reiterating the fact that this is something special! “Netflix and chill” is a term tossed around when there’s nothing to do, but there needs to be something to do, because this is a Friendsgiving! You can do watch your shows at any other time. Try doing something different.
16. Keep the camera ready.
Get those smartphones and Polaroids out, because you’re going to want to record these happy memories. Save these pictures to laugh and reminisce upon in the future whenever there’s a time you miss your best friends.
17. Set the date for when your friends are still on campus.
Plan accordingly. A lot of people leave to visit their families during Thanksgiving break, but you want your Friendsgiving to happen as close to the actual holiday as possible. Confirm with your friends and make sure that they’re following through and are free to attend the event.
18. Remind your friends often.
Planning is the hardest part of having the party. Don’t let this Friendsgiving be a mere idea – turn it into a reality by bringing it up to your friends and confirming important details such as who is going, what day it would be held, and who is bringing what food or utensils to the party.
19. Hype it up!
Get your friends excited for this Friendsgiving! It’s the one time that you guys get together to appreciate each other, rather than the other times where you guys just hang out and chill without actually paying attention to the details. Make them as hyped for this event as you are to spend time with them.
20. Don’t wing it.
Parties actually take a lot of planning, including this small gathering of Friendsgiving. Don’t take this lightly, and consider the amount of effort that is necessary to plan a bomb-ass party. If you want it to go well, and you put in a lot of effort, your party will be unforgettably amazing. It’s all on you. Good luck!