6 Tips For Surviving FSU Halloween Week

First year in Tallahassee? Freshman and transfers alike will finally understand why Tallahassee is also referred to as the famous-but also ratchet- Talla-nasty. As Halloween quickly approaches so does all the festivities, boo’s, and boozes, so prepare yourself mentally and physically. Not only is Halloween the biggest home game/tail gate of the season, but it is a lot of fun to go out for as well. Make sure you are all updated on how to survive FSU Halloween by reading this helpful guide below!
1. Make sure you have finished all your work before you go out.
I know this advice might sound simple but it’s the easiest one to forget. Before deciding to go out and party first make sure that you have all your ducks in a row. Check that all your homework is proofed, finalized, and submitted before you take that first shot you’ll thank yourself later.
2. Download the Rider App.
I say this because the Night Nole, a.k.a the drunk bus, will become your best friend not just over the weekend, but during the week of FSU Halloween. Instead of splitting for that uber with your squad, find yourself a bus stop that will easily drop you off at all the prime partying locations such as College Ave, Heritage, and the Backyard.
3. Have five costumes in mind.
FSU Halloween isn’t just a one day event, it’s celebrated for the whole week so prepare yourself to have at least 5 costumes to pull from. You don’t have to go all out when dressing up, just keep it sweet and simple so you don’t break the bank.
Have an oversized shirt, dark shades, and pair of white shoes? You have yourself a quick and easy Risky Business outfit. Have a red bandana and lipstick? Put on some blue jeans and flex those muscles and you can be Rosie the Riveter.
Really have nothing at, don’t worry- just wear some dirty, potentially ripped, clothes and make some blood stains on your neck with lipstick and you can easily look like your just survived a vampire attack. The possibilities are endless from your closet alone, so just imagine what you could make of it if you have the option to go into your friend and/or roommates as well.
4. Remember that you will have to be in your costume all night.
Halloween is the one time of the year when it’s actually acceptable and encouraged to look sexy as hell and show off some extra skin. Just be aware that what you look like in the beginning of the night when you’re sober is not how you’ll be looking when you return. So ask a friend what they think of what you’re wearing just so you know if it’s too much or not enough.
5. Be smart, stay safe, and know your limits.
I hate to say it but in today’s world and college culture it isn’t safe to walk alone especially while intoxicated and wearing a provocative outfit. So just be aware and stick with your group at all time. Also keep in mind that nobody is invincible so know your limits when you decide to take that extra shot or play ‘slap the bag’.
6. Put a bottle of water by your bed before you go out.
Once you’re home and out of your costume make sure to have a full bottle of water by your bed so you can stay hydrated throughout the night. Trust me, you’ll be thirsty.
Overall have fun and drink responsibly!
What are some other tips for surviving FSU Halloween? Comment below and share this article with friends!
Featured image source: Pinterest.com/seminolesfanhq, tumblr.com

Tara Lawson-Corley is a junior at Florida State University. Her major is Retail Merchandising & Product Development with the goal of someday working for a fitness driven retail company such as ADIDAS or LuluLemon. Hopefully later on she will be able to own her own successful fitness boutique or at least that's the dream. Tara enjoys the occasional Netflix binge, reading numerous fashion magazines, and finding new and exciting ways to workout.