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Tips For Staying Motivated To Workout

Tips For Staying Motivated To Workout

If you’ve found yourself in a bit of a rut when it comes to working out, you certainly aren’t alone. However, just because you aren’t alone doesn’t make getting out of the rut any easier. Hopefully, with these tips and tricks will get you out of your workout rut and your fitness motivation back.

Find What You Like

The key to regaining your fitness motivation is to find what you really like to do. Tons of people go to the gym and get on a treadmill and absolutely hate, but continue to do it. If you don’t like to do something and you continually do it, you’re going to kill your fitness motivation. You won’t have fun,  and trying to get a decent workout in becomes nearly impossible to do.

If you’re in a really bad rut try to do different things. If you hate doing cardio on a treadmill try biking or using the step mill. If you don’t like doing cardio in general cut down the time you spend on it and incorporate some weight training. You’ll not only find what you like to do, but you’ll get a more rounded workout in.


Take a Class

Fitness motivation has a lot to do with your mindset. If you get in the habit of not going it gets harder to get back into the swing of things. If you’re really struggling with a lack of fitness motivation try signing up for a class. If you have to sign up there’s a good chance you’ll feel more obligated to go. Spin classes are one of my favorite ways to workout in general, but especially when I’m lacking in motivation to go to the gym. There are tons of people experiencing the same workout as you and it is really motivating to be apart of.

If cardio-based classes aren’t really your thing there are tons of other options that you can try. You can take a weightlifting class or a kickboxing class, one of my personal favorites. They’re a really great way to get some anger out and feel really strong at the end of your workout. Kickboxing is a super fun way to get back your fitness motivation and have a really exhausting workout. They offer tons of classes at FSU. Some of the more popular ones include F45, Spin Classes, and Bar Classes. Make sure to download the campus Rec App or the group fitness calendar to see when classes are.

Bring a Friend

If you aren’t confident in taking a fitness class yet, but still struggle with staying motivated find a friend that goes to the gym regularly and asks to join them. You can follow along with what they usually do for the first week or so. Then once you get your own fitness motivation back you can either stick with them and feed off each other’s energy, or you can take what you learned with them and go it alone. I highly recommend finding a friend who likes to workout. It makes it easier because you feel obligated to hold up your plans with them.


If you don’t really have a consistent workout routine you can totally find someone that doesn’t have a set one either and go to the gym together. That way you don’t have to feel like your just tagging along. Both of you will be able to push each other to work out harder and push your own limits. If you both are inexperienced with working, go to a class together. You won’t have to feel as lost or alone in trying something new. You can even join an FSU intramural team together. This way you can meet even more people and have fun while working out. You should check out the intramural sports page to see when teams open up and even games you can attend.

New Work Out Clothes

Sometimes all you need to boost your fitness motivation is new workout clothes. It is amazing what a new pair of leggings can do for your mindset. The more confident you feel in your workout clothes the more you’ll want to show them off and put em’ to use at the gym. And who doesn’t need another pair of black leggings to add to their collection? Even if it is just a new sports bra or workout shirt, it can really make all the difference. If you really want to treat yourself you can go for a whole new matching set or even a pair of shoes.

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If you’re really into doing a particular style of working out like yoga, spin classes, lifting weights, treating yourself every once in a while with specified fitness gear is a great way to keep your fitness motivation high. Some of my favorite brands include Gym Shark. They have really affordable leggings and they even offer a student discount. Fabletics and LuluLemon are also really popular brands that have great quality workout clothes.

Change in Pre-Workout

Sometimes all you need to get back your motivation is a simple change. Even though it is not a big change it can make all the difference. Sometimes you just get used to drinking the same think over and over again and it just doesn’t feel like its working like it used to. Even if your pre-workout doesn’t feel like it stopped working it can be exciting to try out new things. You get excited to see how different things perform when put to the test, and you can find which pre-workout and other supplements work best for you.


If you’re used to working out sporadically throughout the week and can’t find some serious fitness motivation try to go more consistently. In the beginning, it’ll probably be pretty tough because your body won’t be used to it. But the more consistently you work out the easier it’ll be to push through those days where going to the gym feels harder than usual. Sometimes the days where working out seems like the worst thing in the world can actually turn out to be a really amazing workout. It’s all about getting there. Even if you do a really short workout that’s better than nothing.


Change it Up

If you really like what you’re doing at the gym but don’t feel like it is giving you the results that you want it can be really discouraging. Sometimes doing the same thing just doesn’t cut it. Just try to incorporate something a little different to your usual workout “routine”. It doesn’t have to be an everyday change, but if you do some weights before or after cardio can really help you get the results that you’re lacking.

Hopefully, these tips will help you get through your next fitness slump. How do you find your fitness motivation? Let us know in the comments below!

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