Tips For Money Diaries That Will Help You Keep Your Budget In College

First off, what are money diaries? This term casually rose from the lifestyle magazine series covered by Refinery29. Money diaries offer readers an in-depth look at the personal finance information of other people’s spending habits and budgets. The goal of money diaries is to help readers budget their money and head toward a path of success. Here are a few tips for money diaries that will help you keep your budget in college.
Start Documenting Your Spending Habits
For money diaries to be of benefit, college students should track their spending habits. Write down your purchases even the cup of Starbucks coffee you grab in the morning because that adds up. This simple trick will teach individuals how to budget and when to cut certain spending habits. Every college student understands that college tuition is extremely high. Therefore, having a budget during college is completely needed to survive.
Enjoy Life While On A Budget
Just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean your life needs to be put on hold. With money diaries, college students are encouraged to save some money for a rainy day. Get a glass jar and toss your spare change in it every night. Watch your money grow and quickly go from being 20 cents to large bills. Enjoying your life doesn’t have to be expensive. A day at the beach is a great option for college students. Save money for gas, make your own lunch and spend the day with friends at the beach.
Ask For A Raise
Asking for a raise from your boss can be very scary. But asking for a raise is worth trying. Even a 50 cent raise can make a difference in your livelihood. Don’t let fear hold you back, fight for what you deserve. Because so many college students are overqualified for the job they are currently in. Instead of asking for a raise they continue with their work with hopes of bettering their career in the future. It never hurts to just ask.
Shop Smart And Use Your Resources
Stores like Goodwill and The Salvation Army are the perfect tools when utilizing money diaries. Second-hand shops are becoming popular as young adults fall into the fab of thrift shopping. These stores will definitely save money that you can put into your savings account. In addition, there are apps that daily shoppers can download for free that allow customers to scan and collect points for gift cards. These gift cards include American Eagle, Barnes and Noble, Walmart and many more.
Prioritize Your Money Diaries
Get yourself a planner. Organizing is key when journeying into a new routine. Sometimes setbacks happen and you have to learn to deal with them appropriately. Plan days when you walk versus taking your car to save on gas. Try your hand in meal prepping in order to keep from purchasing fast food. Not only will you be saving money but you will be practicing a healthy lifestyle. These tips will help you along the way.
Pay Your Bills On Time
Lastly, keep up on your bills. When you fall behind in payments is when problems start to arise in your budget and money diaries. Budget your money in order to have enough to live on. If you don’t have enough money than return back to tracking your spending habits. A smart idea for many college students is to download a banking app to track your account. Every card transaction will be tracked through these useful apps. Ask your bank for more information.