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Tips for Managing The Ins and Outs of College Life

Tips for Managing The Ins and Outs of College Life

College life is like a rollercoaster. There are so many new things to figure out and sometimes it can get overwhelming. Between classes, clubs, friends, and a million other things, it’s hard to keep track of everything. Here are some tips to managing everything about college life.

Roommate drama is for the llama.

Do not get me wrong, it’s an experience that everyone should get the chance to live with someone that they have never met before in their life. You can gain survival skills, see life in their own eyes, find your long-lost best friend or possibly find out your worst night-mare is not the monster living under your bed.

  • Small differences could become big issues while living with someone you barely know. Make sure to be open-minded.
  • Do not wait until you break down from all the madness to speak with your Resident Assistant or even your housing department. (I did that…)
  • Silence is never the key to a problem, unless it’s bedtime.
  • Remember that you’re NOT the only one living in the room and remind your roommate that as well, if need be.
  • Always consult with your roommate if you’re planing on bringing in something random into the room such as another human, animal, etc. (Not many people like surprises)
  • If it’s too much to handle, request a room change.

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Social Life. You have the power to make the most of it.

Your social life will become building blocks the moment you walk on to campus. Be yourself, and don’t try to be that kid who wants everyone to like them. Eventually, everyone will enjoy the real you and appreciate your presence without you even knowing. I was very shy/nervous, but a lot of people found me very bold and bright at the same time. “The way you see yourself makes a great difference in your confidence.”

  • The group you hang with this semester may not be the same group you hang with next semester.
  • Be aware of hidden snakes. Some people are nice at first, but to turn into a different person later on.
  • Focus. Your in college for a degree! Not for the amount of parties you make it to. (Parties can be all games and fun, until you find out that your failing laboratory…)
  • Find a Balance: PARTY HARD = STUDY HARD
  • Enjoy, but not too much.

Home-Sickness. It will happen.

Home-sickness sucks, but you can get over it. From my experience, going from Houston, Texas to Claremont, California was a change of environment for me. It did not kick in until the holiday months arrived (November/December). However remember that your’re not alone. My international pals were very strong when it came to homesickness compared to me. I look up to them in a lot of daily life lessons.

  • Do not get jealous of the students who live five minutes away from the campus.
  • During holidays when you are one of the few on campus, explore the campus/or city or find some other students chilling on campus for break to hang with.
  • If you work during the school year and want to go back home for the break, plan ahead time and save money!
  • This will not be easy, so call home when necessary!

Missing this beauty. #homesick #taosgrown #taosnewmexico #taospueblo #horselover

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A new workload.

It is very easy to get caught up in A LOT of on-campus organizations, work-study, social life, and on top of that, your homework! Procrastination is a work load’s bullet. You do not want to get shot by procrastination. Once it hits you, this could make you collapse until you break the habit.  WARNING: Relapse does occur…trust me on this one.

See Also
There are plenty of ways to stay safe on spring break but still have fun. Make your next spring break the best one yet with these tips!

  • Push yourself in staying organized with daily events with the help of a planner.
  • Stay motivated and keep yourself and your pals productive.
  • Prioritizing your schedule can be a life saver! (Study before going out at night)
  • Encourage yourself to complete at least one major task each and everyday.
  • Schedule time for yourself as well to chill!

This week will probably be worse than finals tbh 🔥😫👓 #somuchhomework

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Stick to a budget – a college student’s secret best friend.

This is a very rough task,when you’re use to swiping your card without checking your account balance. Find a work-study job, if you’re not eligible find a non-work study job that would allow some income to be coming in. Manage your amount of money and watch what you spend it on. I blew a lot of money on the vending machines…

  • Every month look over your bank statements
  • Break down your spendings into a piechart and cut down on unnecessary junk.
  • Do not spurge your refund checks on the mall, instead check out how much your next plane ticket would cost.
  • If your on financial aid, talk to college office about reimbursements- every cent counts!