
10 Tips For Hosting The Perfect Spring Yard Sale

It’s that time of year again; spring is all about fresh starts, and that includes cleaning out the old and bringing in the new for your home! There’s no better way to get rid of your stuff than hosting a yard sale, so here are a few tips for hosting a yard sale.

Keep it organized.

Sure, people are here to look through your stuff, but they probably don’t want to search too hard. Put all your clothes in one place, your books together, and your furniture stacked neatly so that people have easy access and are more likely to buy it!

Wash any clothes that you plan on selling!

You may love your cat, but no one wants cat hair (or worse) all over the clothes they’re purchasing.

Put a price on everything.

I know I hate being the one to awkwardly ask, and so will anyone at your yard sale. Clearly marked is better!

Make sure there are no major events going on the day that you plan your yard sale.

It doesn’t matter how nice the weather is if half the town is going to the big football game! Follow these tips for hosting a yard sale and yours won’t fail!

If you have friends you want to get rid of stuff too, consider combining your stuff for sale!

The more variety you have, the better your yard sale will be!

Put those plastic bags you have stored under your kitchen sink (which apparently have no alternate purpose) to use!

People will buy more if they don’t have to walk away with an armload and no easy carry option!

Put signs on the end of your street and on the main streets.

Place an ad in the newspaper – quick, descriptive, and to the point. No one will come if they don’t know about it!

See Also

Everyone likes a good deal.

Use basic sales tricks like the .99 phenomenon, or the 4 for $6 option. If people think they’re saving money, they’ll buy more! (and you’ll get rid of more!)

Make sure that you stand out in some way so that people know that you’re in charge.

An apron is a good way to accomplish this. No, it doesn’t have to be a kitchen apron. Think a server’s apron! This way you can keep your money on you and you look authoritative!

With that being said about the money, make sure you have enough change for people.

Make a trip to the bank so that you have plenty of coins and bills to break amounts as small as $5 to as big as $100!

What do you think of these tips for hosting a yard sale? Let us know in the comments below!
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