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What Every High Schooler Should Know Before College

What Every High Schooler Should Know Before College

After high school, you have several decisions to make. Here are a couple things you should know before the start of your freshman year in college.

High school.  You may love it or you may hate it.  After high school, you have several decisions to make, one of them being where you’re going to college (if you go). We’ve put together some of the best tips for high schoolers before college. Here are a couple things you should know before the start of your freshman year in college…

1. You don’t need to party to have fun.

Surprise!!  There are so many other ways to have fun in college.  Go to the movies, go to half priced apps, or just hangout with your friends.  Don’t get wasted every night just because you think it’s cool.

2. Forget the boys.

It is a whole new experience.  Enjoy yourself.  Find yourself before you try to find someone else.  Boys are exactly that, boys.  Wait until the right guy comes around that loves his momma and Jesus.  That’s when you know he’ll love you.


3. Go to class.

It doesn’t matter what your friends do or how often they skip class, go.  Your grades matter.  They help determine your future.  Your GPA will get you a job, skipping classes won’t.


4. Don’t wear sweats everyday.

Your professors will see how you act and how you dress.  They will write you (or they won’t) recommendations.  They will (or they won’t) help you line up a job.  Dress for success.  You don’t have to wear dresses everyday, but don’t wear sweats everyday.

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5. Study, study, study.

Like I said, your GPA matters.  Try your hardest.  You don’t think that exam will be hard?  Study anyways.  Do your homework.  Be smart.




What are other tips for high schoolers before college? Comment below!
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