Tips for Freshman Girls Going to College

First of all, this is so exciting that you are starting the next chapter of your education at college! As the fall and your first semester is approaching quickly, I am sure you have some questions and are nervous about your next endeavor. I hope that you will feel more settled about the future when you have finished reading this article. Of course, I am sure that you will still be a little nervous because that’s part of the experience and completely normal. For some of you, this may be the longest time you will be away from home; for others, this might feel normal because you grew up going to summer camp, but there is more to college than just being away from home. This is probably the first time in your life that you will genuinely feel independent. You get to make all your decisions, from when you want to do laundry to where you want to study for your first exam. You might be nervous about what to pack, how to decorate, and what clothes to bring, don’t worry because I hope to answer all your freshman girl questions and ease your nerves.
1. Limit clutter
You will be spending a lot of time in your dorm room, so I recommend you try limiting clutter. Most freshman dorms are likely a lot smaller than other dorms on campus, so this will leave you with limited space. Therefore, I recommend that you limit things that you don’t need. I know decorating your freshman dorm room will be fun and exciting, and it still can be. Focus on decorating your walls and limiting things that take up floor or desk space. Of course, you can still decorate these spaces. But I would limit the amount, and if you choose to use up floor space, I recommend that this is functional, such as an extra dresser, nightstand, or rolling cart. Trust me, you will not feel like you have too much space, especially when you are living with roommates, and you will accumulate more items throughout your first year.
2. Call home
Some freshmen will be devastated to leave their families, while others may count down the days until you move in. Either way, it is so important to call home. As a freshman, you will most likely be caught up in the excitement of being in college and all that it entails, from a new campus, classes, and professors to parties. It is essential that you still call home. Pick a time once a week and block off a couple of minutes to talk to your family. When you feel more stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or homesick, it will be helpful to know that you have this time to talk to loved ones. Trust me; family always knows what to say to you. I did this, and it helped me get through the more difficult times at college. Just because you are away from home doesn’t mean that your family still isn’t your number one support system. Rely on them when you need them because even just through a phone call, they will help you navigate your first year. I also think that when you need to vent about a social situation or a friend, it is best to go to your family because this way, you’re not telling another friend, and more gossip or drama can be spread. Trust me; you will end up looking forward to calling home!
3. Roommate Friendship
No matter how you end up with your roommate, it’s okay! Maybe you go random, and your college pairs you, or you pick them through Instagram. No one must be the perfect best friend roommate. REMEMBER THIS! You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate. I would say that all you need to have a good living situation is to be respectful, clean, and kind. No one is saying you need to be doing each other hair before a night out. Other times your roommate may turn into your best friend, which is excellent too, but remember, if you can live well together, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. As a freshman, you be preparing for your best friend to be your roommate, and I want to tell you that it’s okay if she isn’t!
4. Jewelry
As girls, we love to accessorize our outfits with spicy earrings, dainty necklaces, and glamourous bracelets, but I would not recommend bringing your most expensive jewelry to school. Listen, you’re going to end up losing it or miss placing it, or maybe it will even get stolen. Just remember that as a freshman and meeting a ton of new people at once, no one has loyalties or trust built with you. So be careful! Also, the odds that you take something off and it falls off your desk is high, and you may never see it again. I recommend bringing cheaper jewelry to college, or at least not your most expensive pieces. For any incoming college freshman girl, you have been warned not to get your expensive jewelry to college.
5. Label clothing
Sharing a laundry room with people is hectic. People grow impatient and will probably move or try and move your laundry out of the washer and dryer. Causing clothing to be misplaced and straight-up disappear. I recommend always getting to the laundry room before it is done, but just in case someone beats you to it have your laundry labeled. You can mark the tags of your clothes so that you know certain items are yours. Or do this to your more expensive or desired clothing items. I would recommend doing this to clothing items such as Lululemon or your favorite articles of clothing. I also got my towels monogrammed with my first initials. Everyone has a white bath towel, so if yours get misplaced in the bathroom or while doing laundry, you can quickly tell what yours is. I highly recommend that freshman girls label their laundry or at least familiar and favorite items.
If you are an incoming freshman girl, I highly recommend following these five tips to help you have the best first semester possible.