Tips For Decluttering Your Room

Decluttering is one of those things that you will most likely try and find an excuse to get out of because it is not exciting to do but is definitely needed to have a good environment.
Keep, Donate, Recycle, And Trash
When you make the decision to declutter your room, the best way to start is to make a distinction of where you want things to go. It will make it easier to know what you have and what you need to get rid of. When you are starting to declutter your room, go through all of your things, it is best to pick an area and start from there. Then differentiate the things that you want to keep, items that you want to donate, things that can be recycled, and things that you want to throw in the trash. By taking the time to boxes these items will make it easier for you to take the steps to take to a drop off location. If you have any electronics that you want to get rid of you can take it to a salvage yard, or a place that takes whatever electronics you have.
Storage is a great way to declutter a room. Organizing any room will make it feel bigger and functional. Once you know what you want to keep, then storing the items is a great way to keep everything organized. The easiest way to add storage is to bring in shelves, bookcases, and plastic containers. It will allow you to have everything put away. One way to help make plastic container storage useful without cluttering up a room again is to label the containers. It is an added step but will save you sometime later when you are looking for something that you need instead of destroying all your hard work.
Sometimes your closet will tell you that you have to declutter your room if you are not sure if it is time to do so. When you cannot open the closet door without things falling out, or clothes spilling out of the door. Then it is time. One of the best ways to declutter your bedroom is to sort through your clothes. What to keep? What doesn’t fit? What clothes are worn out? These are just a way that you have to start thinking to help you make the decision to get rid of clothes. The good thing is you will have a clean closet and a way of helping other people through donations. The unwanted clothes can be donated to a drop off location or a Salvation Army. If you know someone who may want some of your clothes you have that option as well. Just remember clothes are meant to be worn not held. If they no longer serve you then they most likely can serve someone else in need.
Documents are hard to throw away because they have some important information on them that you do not want to throw in the trash. We all don’t want anyone to take our identity, have important information regarding our personal lives, or expired cards. There are many ways that you can go about shredding the information. Some banks allow you the opportunity of a shred day, there are facilities that around that allow you to drop off the information to be shredded later in a secure way, or just by purchasing a shredder. Anyway, that you choose to remove the information is up to you.
Document scanning is a great way to declutter a room because you do not have to keep the papers anymore and you still have a record of the information if you do need it later. Technology is great in helping to keep the important things to remember and free up space in your living environment. Once you scan in the information or took pictures of the information then you can shred it or throw it away. Storing the information has gotten easier as the years go on. You can keep the scans in a Google drive file, any type of cloud storage, a USB, emailing the information, or getting an external hard drive. These are all great options to allow you to keep important information while decluttering your room.
Cleaning At The End Of The Day
The quickest way to clutter up a room is to leave things out day after day after day without putting anything away. It only takes the same behavior to create a large enough mess that will take a lot of time to clean up later. One way to keep this from happening is to clean up your room daily. All it takes is about 5 to 10 minutes to do at the end of the day and saves you more time and frustration later with the clutter.
Cleaning Day
Even when you put things up daily you can still easily clutter a drawer, closet, or table. Taking one day out of the week or month will help declutter your room. If you take a day to this it will help to not escalate the clutter in an unreasonable manner. A cleaning day can be considered relaxing and allows you to keep moving in the right direction of an organized home. On this day declutter and deep clean your room by sweeping, vacuuming, whipping down counters, dusting, etc. Whatever you need to do to make your living space feel clutter-free and clean.
Decluttering a room is not something that you are always going to want to do but is sometimes needed to have a great living environment. These are just a few ideas to help you get your room decluttered and maintain a clutter-free environment. So free up a day or two, put on some relaxing clothes, and turn up the music and get to work. In the end, you will have a decluttered room that will give you an open and freeing room.