10 Tips For A Healthy Sex Life

Everyone wants to have a healthy sex life; I’d have some questions for you if you didn’t. However, a healthy sex life is a little more difficult to achieve than we anticipated. Sometimes you’re just not in the mood, there are emotional barriers to having good sex, poor self-image, and the list really could go on-and-on. Even boredom in the bedroom can happen. The good news is you can work past them and reconnect with your sensuality in no time. Here are some tips to re-lighting that fire.
1. Dig Yourself Naked
Honestly, I’d have to say this is one of the biggest, if not biggest problem, to altering someone’s sex life. If you are uncomfortable in your own skin, sex can be an absolute drag. You’re constantly wondering what they are thinking or about the things you wish you could change yourself. It’s a shit time really if this is the case. Boost your confidence and give yourself a reality check. If you are already in a relationship, remind yourself that your partner loves you for who you are already. Chances are you’re overthinking; a major buzz kill to the mood.
2. Make It Thrilling
Routine sex is boring as fuck. There is nothing worse than knowing what’s coming next. It gets really easy to get lazy in bed but you deserve better than that. If you aren’t willing to put effort into having sex, you shouldn’t be having it at all. Throw in some new and adventurous activities. Research shows it produces dopamine, a major neurotransmitter in your sex drive. Take it outside the bedroom and chances are your dopamine levels will skyrocket. It doesn’t have to be sexual either. You could do something daring with your partner like rock climbing, skydiving or whatever it is the two of you are interested in. Just make sure it gets that adrenaline running.
3. Tell Them How To Turn You On
Girls aren’t mind-readers you know. There is no way she’s going to know what you enjoy unless you let her know. If your sex drives are mismatched, have a chat. It’s pretty critical to speak up about what you want. Find ways to compromise to meet both of your needs. Women tend to focus more on intimacy.
4. Working Out
Aside from this helping you feel confident about yourself, working out boosts your sex life. It stimulates your body, nervous system as well as the brain. You can get more physiologically excited which makes you more receptive to sex. I’m sure you’ve found yourself incredibly turned on while working out at some point. Now you know why. Not to mention, exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, circulation and gets blood flowing to where it needs to go. Truth. We all know working out boosts dopamine, ultimately boosting your mood. If you’re stress free and have a solid self-esteem, things will be looking good for you in the bedroom.
5. Quality Over Quantity
I feel like this one is a tough one for many people. Several people think having a healthy sex life means fucking like rabbits. Not the case. Wouldn’t you rather have mind-blowing sex once a week than getting it in six days a week? Personally, I’d opt for the memorable sex which has me anticipating the next time. Concentrate on having the best sex possible rather than getting that count up. Stop tracking how often you and your partner have sex. Forget how long it lasts and just find ways to make it fun and unforgettable.
6. Eat For Sex
You are what you eat, not to mention your diet pretty much dictates a lot about your life. More than you probably realize. The clearest example is drinking. You all know alcohol makes it harder for you to orgasm. For others, it makes it more difficult to get it up. Other problem foods though could be sugar and refined carbs. They don’t provide high-quality energy sources for a solid performance. If you want your girl going down on you more often, foods like coffee, alcohol, drugs, spinach, smoking and asparagus can all affect the way you taste. Keep that one in mind.
7. Don’t Flip Over Not Having Sex
Part of having a healthy sex life is realizing what a healthy sex life is! It’s not always going to be intense and passionate. You also wont be having constant sex throughout your relationship. Accept there’s no correct limit to how many times you should be having sex. Chill out! As long as you’re communicating with your partner, you’re set. If you’re feeling it when they aren’t, let them know.
8. Talk It Up
This one is self-explanatory. It is proven that sending each other racy text messages throughout the day keeps things interesting and the passion alive. Many couples who have been together for years have said the way they maintain a healthy sex life is by doing just that. I’m not saying send her dick pics because I’ll be honest, no girl wants that. Ever.
9. Get Tested
You can’t have a healthy sex life if you’ve got STDs. Get tested. It’s so important now that sexually transmitted diseases have skyrocketed. STDs are at a record breaking high right now. Take care of your body!
10. Have Fun
Keep it light and fun. Seems like a pretty easy tip for achieving a healthy sex life!
Let us know what you think about these tips for a healthy sex life in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!