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8 Tips For A Happy Life

8 Tips For A Happy Life

I wish I could save the world. I wish I could stop pollution, domestic violence, animal cruelty, trashing our oceans, and the destruction of Mother Nature’s creations. I wish I could allow the unconditional, universal freedom of choice as long as it does not affect the well-being of others. I wish I could touch their souls in such a way that they realize that no matter what happens to them, everything WILL be okay in the end. And it will be.
The purpose of a good life is a simple yet meaningful concept. Everyone deserves to be happy. The road to true happiness in one’s life is not an easy one, but there are ways to make the destination not as rough. Keep reading for 8 tips for a happy life! Hopefully they work for you as well, my beautiful reader.

1. Drink lots of water.

When I’m at my day job, all I drink apart from green tea and the occasional soft drink is water. From counting money all day, answering phone calls, responding to e-mails promptly, and getting bitched out for circumstances out of our control, my coworkers and I get mentally worn out easily. Although it may sound like a simple tip, its one of the best tips for a happy life. Drinking water is vital because it keeps me hydrated, focused, and energized to conquer whatever tasks I need to tackle for the day.

2. Get plenty of sleep.

I used to be a bona-fide night owl. I would stay up well past one or two in the morning to read my books, write in my journals, or read business articles. I never saw it as a big deal until I noticed at work one day how black the bags underneath my eyes were, how puffy my face was getting, and how much angrier I was getting over little things. I didn’t understand what was happening to me until my fiancé pointed out how I was staying up so late and not getting enough sleep. Now, I force myself to go to bed at around 10:00 or 10:30 pm by keeping myself active during the day, relaxing in a hot bath or shower, and pop a couple gummy melatonin right before bed. It’s definitely made a difference in my health, both physically and mentally.



3. Spoil yourself.

We all work our asses off to make a decent living. It’s vital that you pay yourself first every time you get your paycheck so you can get the things you want or want to do before paying bills. The concept of spoiling yourself apart from saving at least 10% of what you make each time and paying your bills is great motivation by itself every time you clock in to your job. I spoil myself by going to the gym about 3-4 times a week and getting a massage and facial once a month. It’s not necessary to do these things, but it provides a bit of mental release from the repetitiveness of my day job. Knowing that I get to do the things I want while having money safe in the bank along with my bills paid also releases a big weight off of my shoulder, so I don’t feel bad getting to do the things I want.

4. Live below your means.

This rule is easier said than done because the world is tainted with temptations. Your friends want to meet with you to grab a drink when you get off of work, or you see a super cute dress at your favorite store. You want to try out that new restaurant that all of your coworkers are gushing about, or you want to go see that movie your family keeps pushing you to see. In order to get or do these things, you have to have money that you possibly don’t have. If you have the funds to finance entertainment or going out, by all means, go for it! But if you just can’t afford it, be honest with your loved ones and yourself. Your piggy bank will thank you.


5. Spend time with your family.

When my siblings and I were living with my parents at the family ranch, I spent my days cooped in my bedroom with my books, journals, Internet, and pajamas. I didn’t have dinner with my parents, and I would argue with my parents over the little things. I kept telling myself that you didn’t deserve this annoying treatment and that it won’t be too long until you get a place of your own! Now that I’m older, not a selfish a-hole, and getting married soon, I love spending time with my family; I regret not spending more time with them when I was growing up.

It breaks my heart when I hear how most teenagers and other young adults speak to their parents; it reminds me of who I was when I was a preteen. None of your family members are going to be here for long, so spread the love as much as you can before they are gone. Call your grandparents and other relatives who live out of town once a week to see how they’re doing. Invite your parents and siblings over for dinner on a Sunday night. Enjoy each other’s company because you just may never know.

6. Practice your faith.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior on June 20th, 2016. I try to live through the teachings of Jesus Christ and to lead by what He has taught His followers. Practicing your faith provides great satisfaction to your soul, and encourages others to do the same. No matter what faith someone else believes in, always be respectful and loving, that’s one of the best tips for a happy life. Love your fellow brother or sister for everything that they are and what they will become.



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7. Drown out the negativity.

My greatest role model is my beautiful mother. She is the strongest person I know and she radiates positivity everywhere she goes. She inspires me to be a better, kinder person for the human race and to love everyone for who they are. When she’s experiencing a negative Nancy, she drowns it out. She teaches me simple tips and tricks to have a positive mindset and to never let the world change my universal smile. Your parents can teach you some of the best tips for a happy life if you let them.
Life is too short to accept that into your heart. You’re a gorgeous beam of light, so don’t let the darkness reap the mercy in your nature.


8. Be happy and content with what you have.

For about two and a half years, I dreamed of getting a new car. I’ve always admired Honda Civic sedans specifically because of their sleek style, incredible gas mileage, great safety ratings, and affordability.

I’ve been driving the same car since I was 17 and I’m fixing to turn 22 in January. Because of the fact that I’ve been driving this car for the longest time, I was wanting a change from my sporty mom car. As time ventures on, I become fonder of my car. I’ve made many memories with that car, and she’s taken me to wonderful places to embark on random adventures. The car itself is already fully paid off, and I love the fact that I don’t have a car payment. The only things I’m paying for with my car is the insurance, gas, and maintenance if it’s needed. I also take into consideration how I should be lucky to even have a car, as many young adults don’t possess that kind of luxury.

Being happy with what you have and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is a wake-up call for the people who can’t or won’t accept the things they have. It’s one of the best tips for a happy life! Materialistic possessions will only get you so far with your feelings and provide satisfaction for a short period. The things that matter most in one’s life are the relationships they have with their loved ones and how they treat others when no one else is looking. I hope these tips for a happy life change yours!

Do you have any tips for a happy life? Comment below and share the article!
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