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20 Tips Every Texas Christian University Freshman Must know

20 Tips Every Texas Christian University Freshman Must know

Congratulations on getting accepted to Texas Christian University (TCU) and committing to (unarguably) the best school in Texas. Now that you're about to embark on this new journey as a Horned Frog, there are some things that you need to know about life at the Fort. Keep reading for 20 tips every TCU freshman must know

Congratulations on getting accepted to Texas Christian University (TCU) and committing to (unarguably) the best school in Texas. Now that you’re about to embark on this new journey as a Horned Frog, there are some things that you need to know about life at the Fort. Keep reading for 20 tips every TCU freshman must know pertaining to food, dorms, classes, and ways to have fun on campus.

1. Use your Frog Bucks and Campus Cash wisely.

Depending on the meal plan you have, you have certain amounts of Campus Cash, which can be used at on-campus locations like Chick Fil-A, and Frog Bucks, which can be used at participating restaurants near campus such as Dutch’s Hamburgers and Salsa Limon. Whenever the BLUU gets a little bland, opt for one of these options instead, but don’t make the mistake of using up all your Frog Bucks and Campus Cash within the first month and having to spend your own money.

2. Tired of the BLUU? Try BLUU 2.

Here is another alternative to the BLUU whenever it gets repetitive. There is a little gem out towards the Greek Village called BLUU 2, which also accepts Campus Cash, cash/card, and meal exchanges. Meal exchanges can be used at any of the retail location on campus, and at BLUU 2, there is a variety of options to choose from ranging from Mexican to American to vegetarian options.


3. The BLUU should not be your enemy; make it your friend.

With every meal plan comes unlimited access to Market Square, otherwise known as the BLUU. Market Square is a buffet that has several different types of foods to choose from: pizza, sandwiches, stir-fry (honestly the best night at the BLUU), smoothie bar, and more. Don’t be scared of the BLUU and get creative with your meals. I’ve seen people make their own versions of Honey BQQ Chicken Strip sandwiches from Whataburger and cookie ice cream sandwiches!

4. Sunday Brunch at the BLUU is the ABSOLUTE BEST.

Every Sunday, Market Square knows how to host one hell of a brunch. The workers cook up trays full of Southern comfort food, such as cornbread and mac and cheese, and pull out the chocolate fountain. After a long weekend, there is nothing better than starting off the new week by rolling out of bed and heading to the BLUU for some good food.


5. Find a group of people to eat with everyday so you don’t end up skipping any meals.

Try to form a group of people to go to the BLUU with for all 3 meals of the day. By having some people to go with, they can hold you accountable for not skipping any meals. Whether it is people in your pledge class, residence hall, or coming up to someone sitting alone at the BLUU, it is always more fun to eat whenever you’re surrounded by people you enjoy spending time with.

6. Become close with your Resident Assistant.

Your Resident Assistant (RA) is a very valuable resource for your first year in college. Since your RA is at least a sophomore, he/she has spent at least an entire year at Texas Christian University and can give you any tips regarding school, making friends, and more. Don’t be afraid to get personal with your RA because they are here to assist you succeed and acclimate to your new environment.


7. Pay attention at the mandatory hall/wing meetings.

At the beginning of the semester, there is a mandatory hall meeting for all residents. At this meeting, the Hall Director will introduce herself or himself, introduce all the RAs, and go over some ground rules and university policies, as well as tips on how to prevent mold from growing in your room and signs of alcohol poisoning that could be handy in the future.

8. Establish guidelines with your roommate and always communicate.

You’re going to be living with your roommate for the entire year, so it is essential that y’all establish guidelines and rules at the start of the semester. Share y’alls’ schedules with each other and let the other person know what time you wake up, sleep, study, etc. Also, whenever a potential problem arises, address it with your roommate before bringing it up to your RA.


9. Use shower shoes. Always.

Whether you shower in less than five minutes or shower in thirty minutes, always wear shower shoes. There have been countless times that I have forgotten my shower shoes in my room and have had to walk down the hallway in just my towel to get my shoes. Athlete’s foot is not cute, so always have a cheap pair of flip flops or slides in your shower caddy exclusively for showering.

10. Get to know all the other residents on your wing/floor/building.

One of the best things about college is living in a residence hall and being constantly surrounded by other students. Take this as an opportunity to socialize and make new friends. I have found that the closest friend groups usually consist of people who all live in the same residence hall. Rather than sitting by yourself in your dorm room, go study in the lobby or in a study lounge and get to know other students who live with you.


11. Meet with your academic advisor before picking your classes.

Before picking your classes for the upcoming semester, meet with your academic advisor to discuss your degree plan, study abroad, or any other questions you may have. Don’t register for classes before meeting with your advisor because you don’t want to end up doing poorly in a class that won’t count towards your major or core. Also, students register for classes on different days depending on your year, so know what time and day registration opens for you.

12. Take Introduction to University Life (UNPR 10211).

UNPR 10211 is a class that will be drilled into your head during orientation and that all the staff members encourage incoming first-year students to take. The class only meets once a week for one hour, so it is not a demanding or time-consuming course. Take it because it will go towards your GPA and is an easy A as long as you just show up and do what you’re assigned. Also, you will get to meet other first-year students and make friends out of that class.

13. Go to office hours outside of class.

One benefit about going to a private university is the smaller class size and student-teacher ratio. At Texas Christian University, the student-teacher ratio is 13:1, and most classes do not exceed over one hundred and fifty students. If you are shaving difficulties with a concept discussed in class or have a question regarding the syllabus, go to your instructor’s office hours and speak to them outside of class. Having good relationships with your professors will be very valuable in the future when you are looking for recommendations, job references, and more.


14. If you have questions about different majors, ask.

No one expects you to know what you want to do for the rest of your lives when you’re only a freshman. It is completely normal for people to change their majors multiple times during their college careers, so don’t feel hesitant to ask any questions you may have about other majors. Dip your toes into different majors by taking different type of classes to see if you are really interested in that field.

15. Don’t skip class. Just don’t.

I know I sound like your mother, but do not skip class. Depending on the class and the professor, some professors take attendance as part of your semester grade, and some professors don’t. The few points that you lost by not attending class could end up being what separates you from a B+ and an A- at the end of the semester. Also, tuition is expensive, so don’t waste your money and just go to class.

See Also
Tips Every UCI Freshman Should Know

16. Check out the Campus Commons for different events everyday.

What you will soon realize is that there is always something going on in the Commons everyday. Whether it is a giant water slide, photo booth, or farm animals, all of these fun activities are provided by an organization on campus called theCrew. There is never a dull moment at TCU.


17. Go to the concerts hosted by theEnd.

Who doesn’t love a free concert? Every semester, theEnd hosts three concerts featuring celebrities such as DNCE, X Ambassadors, Macklemore, and more. These concerts are free and only require a student ID to get in, so go to these concerts and make good use of your Friday night.

18. Cheer on our football, basketball, baseball, and other sporting teams on campus.

A common Texan saying is “Everything is bigger in Texas,” and this definitely applies to the school spirit and sports. Towards the end of 2017, Texas Christian University is the only school in the nation with football, men’s basketball, and baseball all ranked in the top 15. Grab a purple shirt, take a photo with SuperFrog, and go support your Horned Frogs.


19. Apply for any organizations that interest you and join different clubs.

At Texas Christian University, there are many ways to get involved on campus. There are Greek organizations, religious organizations, club sports, ethnic clubs, and more. Every semester, all the clubs on campus have booths set up inside the gym at the Recreation Center for the club fair, so be sure to check it out to see if there are any clubs that you are passionate about.

20. Utilize the TCU Campus Recreation Center.

Every student is granted a free membership to the recreation center on campus. If you want to avoid the “Freshman 15,” make it a habit to try to be active everyday by going to the recreation center. The recreation center is open from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM from Mondays to Thursdays and closes earlier on the weekends, so try to find time to swing by and hit the cardio machines, take a workout class, climb the rock climbing wall, or lift some weights. And remember, ALWAYS bring your student ID.


I hope these tips will help you when starting your first year at TCU. Go Horned Frogs!

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