Tips And Tricks That Will Have Your Instagram Lit
by Nigel Wright
July 4, 2019

Truthfully, the reality of today is the fact that Instagram serves as the home away from home for the majority of us with smartphones. Social media alone can be utilized for a multitude of purposes; branding, marketing, networking, or simply just keeping up with friends.
Whatever that purpose may be for you, it’s likely that you usually check your phone, hop on Instagram and scroll through notifications when you first wake up, periodically throughout the day and sometimes during your downtime. And it’s not that you necessarily feel an absolute need to; you’re just keeping up with the times and your social engagement.
And whether you know it or not, there’s value in having consistently high Instagram activity, so we’re here to tell you how to keep things lit! Add a few of these tips and tricks and watch your engagements rise!
Create An Aesthetic For Your Page
Instagram is obviously all about pictures and what’s appealing to the eye. So it only makes sense for you to have your Instagram page aesthetically appealing with an overall theme or creative idea. Doing so will emit a cohesive feel and a sense of togetherness amongst your photos.
A perfect example of a way you can accomplish this is by posting all your pictures with the same filter or tint of highlight. Find one you like and stick to it. Before you know it your profile will start to stand out, and visitors will see it as more than just a collection of pictures. Get creative with it! In due time, Instagram will become your own little personal art gallery, providing followers and visitors with direct insight into your creative mind.
Follow People With Similar Interests As You
Having people that like the same things you like as followers will make things a ton easier when it comes to making things lit in your notification feed.
Just think about it, if someone who follows you is into the same aesthetic, places, cars, or whatever it may be that you post, chances are that they will like the picture. Once that happens, your photo essentially jumps onto the activity feed of all of their followers, letting them know that the person who liked your photo, liked your photo. That then presents the opportunity of more exposure, which increases traffic to your page and allows you to gain followers!
See how effective one little like can be?
Actually Engage With Your Followers
Interacting with your Instagram followers is probably the most effective way to have your page lit overall. You don’t want to log on and be a ghost follower. Similar to our last point, Instagram is mostly algorithm-based. Every like and/or interaction you have with someone on yours, or even their page matters in one way or another.
Plus, people generally just love to see when people like or comment on things they’ve posted! Who wouldn’t? The more you interact with their posts, the more likely they will be to interact with yours. Always keep that in mind!
See The Big Picture
By this point in the article, I hope you understand that there are in fact ways to grow an interactive audience on Instagram without having to follow a bunch of people, then unfollow hoping they won’t notice. You don’t want to be that guy, trust me. Nobody does. Instead of thinking post-to-post, think of your page on a grand scale. What will the overall look be? Implement these tips and let us know how they work for you!
Why Your “Likes” Do NOT Define You